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KCB Committees

Committees assist the Board of Directors in carrying out the work of the organization. The Kentucky Council of the Blind has several active committees, and the President may appoint others as needed. Committee chairpersons who are not officers, directors, or chapter representatives on the KCB Board serve as ex officio non-voting members of the Board of Directors. The President is an ex officio member of all committees with the exception of the Nominating committee. A list of committees and a brief explanation of their duties follows. Anyone interested in serving on one or more committees should contact Matt Selm, KCB President, by email at, or by telephone at 859-802-1358.

PR/Membership Committee

The PR/Membership committee is responsible for the composition and distribution of newsletters, press releases, and other similar materials designed to publicize the work of the organization. It is also responsible for the coordination of radio, television and Internet projects conducted by the organization. Current members of the committee are:

  • Rick Boggess, Chair, Owensboro
  • Natalie Couch, Louisville
  • Joey Couch, Louisville
  • Carla Ruschival, Louisville
  • Matthew Selm, Louisville

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee compiles a slate of candidates for the Board positions to be filled by election at the annual KCB convention. The Committee must be sure that all candidates are eligible to run for their respective offices, as stipulated in the Constitution. The slate shall be published to the entire membership not less than 14 days prior to the business meeting at the convention. Current members of the Nominating Committee are:

  • Debbie Deatherage, Chair, Louisville
  • Eldon Kaiser, Cave City
  • Gerry Slusher, Covington

Convention/Crossroads Committee

The Convention Committee is responsible for planning and coordinating the annual convention of the Kentucky Council of the Blind. The Committee selects a theme, secures appropriate facilities, and co-ordinates programs, exhibits, meal functions and entertainment. The Committee also plans Crossroads training activities throughout the year. Current committee members are:

  • Carla Ruschival, Chair, Louisville
  • Patti Cox, Lead, Facilities and Food, Louisville
  • Debbie Deatherage, Exhibits/Sponsorship, Louisville
  • Gerry Slusher, Exhibits/sponsorships, Covington
  • Matt Selm, Program, Louisville
  • Debby Green, Program, Elizabethtown
  • Ristoria Ross-Jackson, Program, Louisville
  • Terrie Terlau, Program , Louisville
  • Elaine Weisbard, Program, Louisville
  • Natalie Couch, Audio and Internet, Louisville
  • Michael McCarty, Audio and Internet, Louisville
  • Tonya Drew, Waldron, IN
  • Eldon Kaiser, Cave City
  • Sheryl Lott, Owensboro
  • Bill Wright, Louisville

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee receives nominations for awards and recognitions presented by the Kentucky Council of the Blind. The Committee selects award recipients and is responsible for obtaining appropriate recognitions (plaques, certificates etc.). The committee may propose new awards or write guidelines for existing awards. All such guidelines and proposed awards must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to implementation. Current committee members are:

  • Joey Couch, Chair, Louisville
  • Patti Cox, Louisville
  • Bill Wright, Louisville

Resolutions and Constitution/Bylaws Committee

The Resolutions and Constitution/Bylaws Committee receives all proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws and, in consultation with the submitter, prepares proposals for presentation to the membership, as provided in the Constitution. This committee also receives, writes and/or edits resolutions related to the organization and to the blind and visually impaired. Resolutions may be presented to the Board of Directors or to the General Assembly for consideration. Upon passage, all resolutions will be distributed to the membership in writing. Current committee members are:

  • Bill Wright, Chair, Louisville
  • Terrie Terlau, Louisville
  • Carla Ruschival, Louisville
  • Ben Wright, Henderson


This committee is responsible for the raising of funds to be used by the organization. Development programs may include fund-raising campaigns, writing of grants, development of donor lists and other activities as deemed appropriate by the committee and approved by the Board of Directors. All development efforts must be submitted to, and approved by, the Board of Directors prior to being initiated by the committee. Current members are:

  • Carla Ruschival, Chair, Louisville

Updated: October 13, 2023

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