KCB Board Meeting – April, 2015

The monthly meeting of the Kentucky Council of the Blind Board of Directors was held via conference call on Monday, April 20, 2015. President Deb Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:05 PM Eastern Time. She informed the board that Donnie Parrett has resigned due to his ongoing health issues and that Frank Campbell will be representing the Eastern Kentucky Christian Council of the Blind.

Members present were Deb Lewis, Joey Couch, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Bill Deatherage, Debbie Deatherage, Gerry Slusher, Natalie Beyers, Elaine Weisbard, Adam Ruschival, Bill Wright, Deb Trevino, “Cisco” Slusher, Patti Cox, Matt Selm, Bill Roberts and Frank Campbell. Member Vurah Berry was absent.

President Deb Lewis called for reading the March 16 board meeting minutes and summary. Since a copy had been given to board members prior to the meeting, she asked if anyone needed the minutes or summary read. Elaine Weisbard made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and summary and for their approval. The motion was seconded by Joey Couch and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Carla Ruschival presented her report for March. Bill Wright made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Joey couch and unanimously approved.

Treasurer Carla Ruschival pointed out that KCB has a CD that matured and has not been earning interest for some time. The CD was not renewed due to the low interest rate environment. Carla Ruschival made a motion that KCB combine the Cd with money from the checking account to purchase shares in a safe mutual fund (possibly one of the funds in which KCB is currently invested), thus adding to the stock reserve. The motion was seconded by Rick Boggess. Rick Boggess expressed concern about the impact in the event there was a significant fall in the stock market. Carla Ruschival pointed out that, while there is always risk in the stock market, KCB’s move from individual preferred stocks to mutual funds has reduced our risk. In addition, KCB’s investments are yielding monthly income while the cost to produce Sound Prints has been significantly reduced. The Board approved the motion with Rick Boggess being the only member voting against the motion.

Treasurer Carla Ruschival provided an update on efforts to change KCB’s filing status with the IRS. The purpose statements for the chapters have been rewritten to provide more detail and will be resubmitted this week.

Chapter Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council – Frank Campbell reported the chapter will be holding a meeting on April 25 at 1:00 PM at the Breathitt County Library in Jackson. They will be planning for their May 30 picnic which will be held at the Breathitt County Park from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. One of their members is moving back to Texas and they hope to have another new member in the near future.

Northern Kentucky Council – Gerry Slusher indicated the chapter has not met this month. She reported the chapter received $1000 of the $2000 they requested through the Center for Great Neighborhoods Grant. They plan to use the money for a variety of activities. In addition, “Cisco” Slusher will be sharing information at Sight Saving Saturday at the Cincinnati Association for the Blind on April 25. Members also plan to participate in a walking art tour designed especially for the visually impaired.

Greater Louisville Council – Bill Wright reported the chapter will be having its quarterly meeting and elections at United Crescent Hill Ministries from 4:30 to 8:00 PM on April 24. The chapter will also hold its Derby party at UCHM on May 2 from 10:30 AM to 7:30 PM.

Tri-State Library Users – Adam Ruschival reported the chapter has not had any activity since March. Thirteen names were submitted to Library Users of America as part of the ACB registration process. The annual $12 membership fee includes LUA membership. The chapter is working with Library Users of America (LUA) on a national conference call which will be called “Library without Walls”. However, they are having trouble locating potential speakers. Chapter members hope to have a local in-person meeting in the near future.

Guide Dog Users of Kentucky – Deb Lewis reported the chapter has started selling candy bars for $1 and continues selling folding scissors. Members will be participating in the APH Cave Hill Cemetery tour on April 25. Upcoming meetings include the chapter conference call on April 27 and free guide dog eye exams on May 22 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM at United Crescent Hill Ministries. The chapter has two new members.

Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired – Bill Roberts indicated that 22 (including four visitors) attended the chapter’s April 14 meeting. One person from Henderson joined. Participants discussed their visual conditions and discussed fundraising ideas including fundraisers at selected local restaurants. The chapter hopes to have flyers and business cards soon. The chapter will have a booth at the health fair at the senior center on May 14.

KCB Next Generation – Matt Selm reported chapter members will get together for brunch from 1:30 to 3:00 on April 26 at Maker’s Mark Lounge at Fourth Street Live in Louisville. They are also finalizing plans for a travel seminar on May 16.


PR/Membership – Rick Boggess reported that the committee met on April 1. The calendar and webpage continue to be updated regularly. The committee discussed the upcoming website move and decided on a recommended format for chapter email addresses and webpages when possible. For example, using the agreed-upon approach, SAVI’s email address will be owensboro@kentucky-acb.org and its webpage link will be www.kentucky-acb.org/owensboro. The underlying consideration is to increase Internet visibility while making addresses and webpages more meaningful.

Carla Ruschival indicated that work on the new website is progressing smoothly. Although the pages are not yet live, Larry Turnbull has completed work on the Events page and is working on an RSS feed for Sound Prints. He hopes to get the last year of Sound Prints into the podcast feed. His work will also allow KCB to make Sound Prints available as a podcast through the Apple store once we come up with a logo. He is also putting links on the front page and adding the static pages which do not change much. There will be a link from the main page to a Crossroads section so we can include information from previous and future conferences. There will also be a Donate button and links to our Facebook and Twitter pages. Larry will create the basic webpage structure while we will be responsible for creating the individual pages for KCB and its chapters. It is hoped we will be able to preview the pages soon.

Old Business

Adam Ruschival made a motion that KCB spend up to $70 to provide pastries for the SRC meeting at the McDowell Center on April 24. Elaine Weisbard seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

New Business

Carla Ruschival made a motion that KCB purchase two $50 ACB Braille Forum raffle tickets. The motion was seconded by Bill Wright. Carla pointed out that a maximum of 500 tickets are sold with prizes of $5000, $1000 and $500 being awarded at the ACB convention banquet in Dallas. Chapters or individuals (or groups of up to five individuals) may purchase tickets. The motion was approved unanimously.

President Deb Lewis asked if KCB is interested in contributing items for the ACB convention auction in Dallas. Joey Couch made a motion that KCB provide bourbon balls for the ACB auction. The motion was seconded by Elaine Weisbard and approved.

President Deb Lewis reminded board members that KCB approved $150 stipends for those KCB members (as of June 1) who attend the national convention and meet attendance requirements.

President Deb Lewis reported that the ACB summer Convention Walk-a-thon website is not up yet. Individuals or chapters will be able to pledge a minimum of $25 to walk or walk virtually. She suggested that chapters appoint captains to coordinate local participation and make it easier to funnel funds raised back to the appropriate chapters. Carla Ruschival indicated that individuals can register to walk or just donate. She also pointed out that KCB will receive 50% of the money raised and that that amount will be split with participating local chapters. When ACB began splitting money raised by the walk with affiliates last year, the amount raised increased significantly. Members will be notified when the website is up. It will be possible to monitor team progress on the site.

President Deb Lewis asked if anyone had speakers in mind for the KCB state convention. Rick Boggess made a motion that KCB invite Kim Charlson to be the convention speaker and that Michael Byington be invited if Kim is unable to attend. The motion was seconded by Elaine Weisbard. Carla Ruschival pointed out that Michael Byington is not an ACB board member but he would make a great speaker since his parents were deeply involved with ACB early on. She also pointed out that Kim has been involved with ACB since she was a student. Therefore, either would make a great speaker to celebrate KCB’s 50th year. The motion was approved unanimously.

Adam Ruschival asked if any of the charter members are still around. Carla reported that Tom Lutes is the only remaining continuous charter member. It would be nice if we could get him to come back for this special occasion.

Deb Lewis asked Patti Cox for an update on possible KCB convention dates. She reported the available dates are November 13 – 14 at the Zorn Avenue Ramada Inn. Carla Ruschival made a motion that the KCB convention be held November 13 – 14 at the Ramada Inn and that we proceed with a contract for those dates. Elaine Weisbard seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

President Deb Lewis indicated she will soon be making committee appointments and encouraged people to let her know if they have particular interests. Those wishing to communicate with her about possible assignments can call 502-721-9129 or email debra-lewis40207@att.net.

Announcements and Adjournment

Debbie Deatherage made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Natalie Beyers and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingApril2015

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