KCB Board Meeting – January, 2015

The monthly meeting of the Kentucky Council of the Blind Board of Directors was held via conference call on Monday, January 19, 2015. President Deb Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:08 PM eastern time. She welcomed new members Matt Selm (KCB Next Generation) and Bill Roberts (SAVI.) Members present were Deb Lewis, Joey Couch, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Bill Deatherage, Debbie Deatherage, Gerry Slusher, Natalie Beyers, Patti Cox, Elaine Weisbard, Adam Ruschival, Bill Wright, Matt Selm, and Bill Roberts. Members Deb Trevino, “Cisco” Slusher, Vurah Berry and Donnie Parrett were absent.

President Deb Lewis called for reading the December 15 board meeting minutes and summary. Since a copy had been e-mailed to board members prior to the meeting, she asked if anyone needed the minutes or summary read. Joey Couch made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and summary and for their approval. The motion was seconded by Bill Deatherage and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Carla Ruschival presented her report for December. Elaine Weisbard made a motion to aprove the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Bill Deatherage and unanimously approved.

Carla reported there are still problems with processing credit cards. She is running cards individually while notifying cardholders before cards are run. If the problems persist, KCB may need to consider other alternatives.

Rick Boggess requested an update on the missing $136 check from SAVI which was discussed during last month’s meeting. Carla reported the check shows up on her log but that it has never shown up as a deposit or on the SAVI statement. She requested that SAVI issue a new check.

Gerry Slusher asked Carla if there were any problems with the checks used to pay for the “peel-and-save” cards from Northern Kentucky. The treasurer reported there were no problems.

Carla also reported that the monthly dividend check for December was significantly larger due to end-of-the-year fund distributions. The distribution does not show up on the December report since the deposit was not made until January.

Chapter Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council – Joey Couch reported the chapter sold all its “peel-and-save” cards and expressed hope that the board will continue to support this fundraiser in the future.

Northern Kentucky Council – Gerry Slusher stated the chapter had a nice Christmas party at Rima’s diner with Adam Ruschival and a couple of other Louisville guests in attendance. The chapter has awarded certificates to three new lifetime members and received a $40 check from KCB for their involvement in last summer’s ACB walk-a-thon. “Peel-and-save” card sales also went well.

Greater Louisville Council – Bill Wright reported the chapter has begun offering Tuesday and Friday night events from 5:30 to 8:30 at United Crescent Hill Ministries located at 150 South State Street. The educational activities on Tuesday nights will include genealogy, technology, braille, independent living and more. Friday night activities will include lots of games and crafts. The chapter will have a dine out from 4:30 to 7 on January 24 at El Nopal at 1041 Zorn Avenue.

Tri-State Library Users Group – Adam Ruschival reported the chapter held its monthly meeting on January 6 at United Crescent Hill Ministries. During the meeting members selected directors and 2015 dues were collected. The next meeting will be a joint conference call with Tri-State Library Users on February 8. Using the “Doggie Tales” theme, members will share their favorite books about dogs. The next in person meeting will be a dinner meeting at UCHM in March.

Guide Dog Users of Kentucky – President Deb Lewis reported the chapter did not have a December meeting. Beginning with the January 26 meeting, monthly conference calls will be held at 7 PM on the fourth Monday of the month instead of 8 PM on the fourth Tuesday of the month. She also reminded the board about the joint meeting with Tri-State Library Users on February 8 on the conference line.

Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired – Rick Boggess reported that 13 people and two visitors attended their January 13 meeting. Members learned about Smart911 and shared lots of information. Bill Roberts and Rick Boggess will be interviewed on WFIE channel 14, the NBC affiliate in Evansville, on January 21. On January 31, SAVI members will be sharing information about Braille from 10-12 at the Daviess County Public Library. Mike Hudson from APH will also participate. The next meeting will be on February 10. Bill Roberts indicated that the chapter hopes to have speakers on diabetes and depression/anxiety in the future. He also stated that the chapter sold all of its 80 “peel-and-save” cards. Rick noted that the chapter has received the $100 check from KCB and that the chapter certificate will be hung in the meeting room at Wing Avenue Baptist Church.

KCB Next Generation – Matt Selm reported the chapter will be raffling off a Valentine’s Day basket at the GLCB quarterly meeting on February 7. Tickets will be $3 a piece or $12 for five tickets. The raffle will begin on January 26 and end with the February 7 drawing.


PR/Membership – Rick Boggess reported the committee met on January 7. Since that time Rick has shared the Community College contacts with Carla so they can be included on the KCB mailing list. Information about kit content ideas was emailed to board members on January 18 for review. The main web page and calendar continue to be updated regularly. In coming months the committee hopes to establish contact with the disability service offices on the four-year college campuses. The next meeting will be on February 4.

KCB Convention – Joey Couch reported the KCB convention committee will hold a short conference call at 8:30 PM on January 22. The main purpose is to evaluate the 2014 convention.

Old Business

President Deb Lewis announced that she has received a stipend from ACB to attend the midyear president’s meeting and legislative seminar February 21-24 in Arlington, Virginia. Carla Ruschival indicated that Theresa Thomas from the Bluegrass Council of the Blind has also received a stipend to attend and has expressed an interest in coordinating visits with KCB. Carla reported that some of President Lewis’s expenses (airfare, hotel, registration, and some meals) will be covered by ACB. For further clarification, she stated that ACB will pay hotel, registration and meals directly while the plane ticket must be purchased in advanced and submitted to ACB for reimbursement. Carla made a motion that KCB purchase Deb Lewis’s plane ticket (probably around $250) with the condition that subsequent reimbursement for the ticket be made directly to KCB. Bill Wright seconded the motion. Based on a question posed by Matt Selm, Carla Ruschival provided additional information about the midyear conference and stipend. The motion was then unanimously approved by the board. Carla stated that President Deb Lewis will incur some additional costs (mainly local transportation and a few meals) while attending the conference. Adam Ruschival made a motion that KCB spend $200 to cover extra expenses for Deb Lewis at the President’s Meeting and Legislative Seminar. The motion was seconded by Rick Boggess and unanimously approved.

Gerry Slusher indicated that the Center for Great Neighborhoods in Covington is offering another grant opportunity but pointed out that nonprofits are ineligible. Consequently, she asked Treasurer Carla Ruschival for an update on KCB’s application to change to a group filing status with the IRS since this will impact the chapter’s ability to pursue the grant. Carla indicated that final approval has not yet been received. After some discussion Carla and Gerry decided to discuss the situation privately more in depth since award dates may be critical.

President Deb Lewis reported that applications for the Durward McDaniel First Timers program are due by April 1. Carla Ruschival pointed out that visually impaired or blind applicants who have never attended a national convention must be active in their affiliate or state chapter and submit a letter. The state affiliate president must also submit a supporting letter. Winners receive airfare, hotel (double occupancy), conference registration, a stipend, and tickets to the First Timers reception and banquet. Other tickets are the winner’s responsibility. Convention dates are July 3-11. First Timers must stay from July 4-11. In response to a question from Bill Roberts, Carla Ruschival indicated there are no discounts for spouses of First Timers; they would just be expected to pay half the room. Carla pointed out that many of the tickets are $5 while registration is $20 in advance and $30 at the door.

President Deb Lewis reminded board members that the KCB team in the ACB Walk-a-thon will be the eRacers. She stated that it is not too early to begin lining up sponsors. It is not necessary to walk to participate. Carla Ruschival reported there will soon be a new Walk-a-thon website with lots of new features which should make the event much more competitive and exciting. In response to a question from Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival indicated ACB will once again split walk-a-thon proceeds with participating affiliates. It was further noted that KCB split their proceeds with participating chapters last year.

New Business

President Deb Lewis pointed out that busy schedules and technical glitches have made it very difficult to get people together to plan for a Crossroads Leadership Conference. She expressed concern that there is not adequate time to plan and publicize the event. Rick Boggess made a motion that, in lieu of Crossroads, KCB explore ideas for some state and chapter leadership training options in 2015. The motion was seconded by Elaine Weisbard and unanimously approved.

Announcements and Adjournment

Adam Ruschival reminded board members that the SRC quarterly meeting will be held on January 23 at the McDowell Center. During the meeting the nominating committee may consider applicants for board positions and the SRC board may get a better idea about the current status of the vending program after the resignation of Director Jack Kennedy. Carla Ruschival reminded board members that there is still a need for people to apply for positions on the SRC Advisory Council. She also asked Rick Boggess to Check with Scott Heads about the status of his application since it had not been received if submitted. Carla Ruschival also pointed out that the McDowell Center Advisory Group Meeting from 2 to 4:15 on January 22 is open to the public.

Rick Boggess asked whether members of KCB Next Generation and SAVI would be expected to pay dues for 2015 since they did not apply for KCB membership until late September or early October. Carla Ruschival pointed out that in the past people who paid their dues around convention time were carried forward to the next year. She made a motion that since the two chapters were chartered at the convention that the dues carry forward to 2015. The motion was seconded by Adam Ruschival and unanimously approved. Carla encouraged chapters to continue to enroll new members for the March 15 count since each affiliate gets one vote for every 25 members based on the March 15 count, while individual members attending the convention have a vote.

In response to an inquiry by Bill Wright, Joey Couch made a motion that KCB provide doughnuts for the January SRC board meeting. Rick Boggess seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

Carla Ruschival made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Rick Boggess and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:31 PM.

Submitted By Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingJanuary2015

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