KCB State Convention Summary – November, 2015

The 42nd annual conference and convention of the Kentucky Council of the Blind was held on November 13-14 ,2015 at the Ramada Inn on Zorn Avenue in Louisville. President Deb Lewis called the business meeting to order at 12:20 PM on Saturday November 14.

After introductions, Secretary Rick Boggess read the minutes from the 2014 meeting. Elaine Weisbard made a motion that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Rick Boggess and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Carla Ruschival reported the October 31, 2015 account balances and made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Elaine Weisbard and unanimously approved.

Committee Updates

PR/Membership: Rick Boggess provided an update on the committee’s work during its conference calls on the first Wednesday of each month at 8 PM (EST). Much attention has been devoted to moving our webpage. Drupal is being used to manage the page which greatly simplifies things. All chapters now have webpage space and email addresses. Anyone needing assistance with their webpage or email should contact the committee. Materials are constantly being added to the page and the calendar is updated regularly. We continue to produce the newsletter and hope to reach out to the disability coordinators on each of the four year college campuses in the state. Natalie Beyers made a motion that the report be accepted. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

Crossroads: Amanda Selm reported that Crossroads was held on August 13-14, 2015 at United Crescent Hill Ministries. Topics covered included recruiting, liability insurance, setting up a sound system and more. Attendees had a chance to practice using Roberts Rules of Order to conduct a meeting and participated in a mock election. Elaine Weisbard made a motion to approve the report. The motion was seconded by Debbie Deatherage and unanimously approved.

Nominating Committee: Bill Wright presented the nominating committee’s slate of director candidates for two year terms on the KCB board and thanked committee members Rick Boggess and Kindle Perry for their assistance. The following slate was presented: Elaine Weisbard, “Cisco” Slusher, Natalie Beyers, Shirley Stivers, and Amanda Selm. Bill pointed out that Patti Cox and Debbie Deatherage could not serve again and thanked them for their service. Bill Wright made a motion to accept the nominating committee’s report. Rick Boggess seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

Bill Wright then presented each candidate’s name and called for additional nominations from the floor. When no additional names were presented for consideration, motions that each candidate be elected by acclamation were made, seconded and unanimously approved.

Constitution, Bylaws and Resolutions Committee: Committee chairman Adam Ruschival reported that the committee is recommending four resolutions for consideration and thanked committee members Byron Sykes and Matt Selm with assistance from Carla Ruschival.

Matt Selm read resolution 2015-01 dealing with full funding for the KY Office for the Blind. Matt Selm made a motion for approval which was seconded by Elaine Weisbard. Adam Ruschival pointed out that over $7 million has been lost over the past five to six years due to the lack of matching state appropriations. He also stated the Downtown Louisville Lions Club has given $28,000 to OFB over the past two years which brought in an additional $95,000 in federal money. This type of donation will not continue since there is a feeling that state government should do its job. For every dollar the state contributes the federal match is $3.69. The motion was unanimously approved.

Matt Selm read resolution 2015-02 expressing appreciation to the staff at the KY Office for the Blind. Matt Selm made a motion for approval which was seconded by Joey Couch and unanimously approved.

Matt Selm read resolution 2015-03 expressing concern about the level of braille and technology instruction offered at KSB. Matt made a motion for approval which was seconded by Bill Deatherage. During the discussion, it was noted that few KSB staff members are braille users and that many of those hired in the past two years have no background in vision or braille. It was also pointed out that some OFB staff feel that KSB students coming to the McDowell Center for training lack adequate braille and technology skills. The motion was unanimously approved.

Matt Selm read resolution 2015-04 expressing appreciation to the Ramada Inn and its staff. Matt made a motion for approval which was seconded by Elaine Weisbard and unanimously approved.

Old/ New Business

President Deb Lewis asked if there was any additional old or new business. After none was proposed, Carla Ruschival made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 1:27 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Rick Boggess

Download Summary: KCBStateConventionSummaryNovember2015

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