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KCB News May 2020


May, 2020

Published by the

Kentucky Council of the Blind

148 Vernon Avenue

Louisville, KY 40206

Phone: (502) 895-4598


Facebook: kcbonline


President: Debbie Deatherage

Editors: Rick Boggess and Carla Ruschival




The American Council of the Blind will not hold its 2020 convention in Schaumburg, IL because of the coronavirus. Instead, ACB will hold its convention virtually – on ACB Radio and on the telephone using the Zoom platform.


The convention theme is “ACB – A Path to the Future”. Every Kentuckian, every person across the United States and around the world, can participate, right from home or work. The convention is literally coming to you. It’s as close as your computer, Alexa device, or even your landline or cell phone.


A national convention is an amazing experience, but for many people it is a dream that cannot happen because of cost, family obligations, medical issues etc. This year, because of the coronavirus, you can be there, right from the comfort of your couch, easy chair, or front porch. No need to buy a plane ticket, stay in a hotel, take time off from work or be away from family.


Convention dates are July 3 to July 10. The week will be filled with over 100 programs, plus virtual exhibits, virtual tours, and other events.


Convention pre-registration opens May 21 for ACB members, May 28 for everyone else, and closes on June 21. Your $25 registration fee helps cover expanded costs of ACB Radio and Zoom. Register to be eligible for great door prizes and to receive your convention program and schedule in your choice of braille, large print or NLS audio cartridge. A downloadable program will also be available. You may also register for the ACB special-interest affiliates of your choice, purchase ACB and Path to the Future convention items, become a convention sponsor and much more.


When you register, check the sessions you plan to attend. You will receive specific instructions on how to participate in each session.


For more information and convention registration details, visit




Rehabilitation teachers and counselors, teachers of the visually impaired, low vision therapists, orientation and mobility instructors, and others can earn continuing education credits recognized by the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals (ACVREP) at the 2020 ACB Virtual Conference and Convention. Credits will be offered for a wide range of programs presented by ACB and its committees, special-interest affiliates, and representatives of government agencies and private industry. Subjects include employment, technology, orientation and mobility, self-advocacy, braille, low vision, social and leisure skills etc.


Programs offering CE credits will begin on Friday, July 3 and continue through Friday, July 10. A complete list of CE sessions will be posted on the ACB convention website ( as soon as it is available.


Sign up for CE’s when you register for the convention. Cost of CEC’s is $10 per credit hour.


Even if you don’t need continuing education credits for your certification, or if you work in a field other than education or rehabilitation of the visually impaired, you may discover that your supervisor will allow you to attend convention programs that apply to your job without the need to take leave time. Show your supervisor our convention sessions, and request professional development time to attend those that apply to your job.


For more information, visit, or contact Carla Ruschival, CE Chair, by phone at (877) 630-7190 or by email at




The Kentucky Council of the Blind wants every one of its 300-plus members to register for and attend the 2020 ACB Virtual Conference and Convention. Whether you can attend one or two sessions or the entire week, we want you to be there.


KCB is offering a $25 convention rebate to every KCB 2020 or life member who registers, either on the website at or by phone at 612-332-3242. Please note that you will pay your $25 fee up front. KCB will rebate your fee following the convention, using the official ACB convention registration list as documentation.


So get ready for fun; get ready to learn; get ready to be part of the first-ever ACB Virtual Conference and Convention!


Need more information? Call KCB at (502) 895-4598 or

e-mail us at





On April 22, the American Council of the Blind announced a partnership with Be My Eyes as a specialized help provider. This free service uses an app on an Apple or Android phone or tablet that allows visually impaired people to connect with volunteers and company representatives for real-time video assistance. Under this agreement, ACB support staff will field calls and share information from 12 – 3 PM (EDT) weekdays using the Specialized Help Providers section of the app.


“We’ve been working over the years to strengthen our internal structure to field calls from consumers faced with challenges and barriers toward independence,” said ACB executive director Eric Bridges. “Our capability now through Be My Eyes builds off this investment, providing improved services not just to our members, but for all Americans who are blind and visually impaired.”


At a time when many Americans struggle with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, ACB is now able to provide remote guidance and consultation around key areas impacting the rights of Americans who are blind, and offer critical information on resources and supports available. Joining companies such as Google and Microsoft as organizational supporters of the blindness community, ACB is leading the way for blindness organizations, leveraging technology to connect with their members and deliver services in a whole new way.


Now with almost 4 million users and a growing family of company partners, Be My Eyes is one of the largest “micro-volunteering” platforms in the world – with its more than 3.5 million volunteers on call at all times to assist those who need an extra pair of eyes at short notice.


For more information, contact or Cindy Van Winkle at 612-345-9036 or




At a time when we are constantly seeking the latest updates on the coronavirus pandemic, much of the graphic information is inaccessible.  In addition, many testing sites pose accessibility challenges for those who cannot drive themselves there.


Tyler Littlefield, a blind software developer, has created a fully accessible COVID-19 statistics tracker, which converts available crisis data to a text format, making it easy for people using screen reading software to navigate and understand. To learn more, visit




Kentucky Gives Day #KYGives20 is here, and this is your chance to make sure KCB can continue its good work.


More and more people today are experiencing vision loss. A person with vision loss may have never met someone who is losing sight or who is blind. Family and friends, as well as the person, may feel frustrated with not knowing how to handle life’s daily tasks.


The Kentucky Council of the Blind connects people with vision loss to needed resources and to each other. Whether it’s through our low vision and peer support meetings, our weekly audio magazine and podcast, our newsletter, our Facebook page, our website, or our conference and convention, KCB puts people back in charge of their lives and helps them realize their goals and live more independently.


Every dollar donated to KCB through our #KYGives20 page between now and May 31 becomes $2.00, thanks to our generous donor who is matching all contributions. Donations for Kentucky Gives Day can also be made by credit card by calling us at (502) 895-4598, or by check in the enclosed self-addressed envelope (just be sure to add a stamp).


Help us to help more people with vision loss. Share this message with all your email, FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter and other friends. Share with neighbors, family, coworkers – everyone you know, and ask them to share with their friends.


Please visit our Kentucky Gives page now and make a donation. It’s tax-deductible, and every dollar doubles to help KCB. Visit by May 31, and thanks so much for making a difference in the lives of people with vision loss.




KCB will award its new $1000 scholarship at its conference and convention in November. Visually impaired residents of Kentucky and visually impaired members of the Kentucky Council of the Blind (regardless of their state of residence) who are enrolled in or under consideration for admission to post-secondary in-state and out-of-state certified college and vocational training programs are encouraged to apply.


KCB will also award its second annual assistive technology matching grant. The grant covers both hardware- and software-based assistive technology, upgrades and maintenance agreements, subscription services, computers, and other stand-alone electronic devices. KCB will match up to 50 per cent of the cost of a product or service, not to exceed $750. Visually impaired Kentuckians who were members of the Kentucky Council of the Blind in good standing as of March 15, 2020 are eligible to apply.


More details will be posted on the KCB email list, the KCB website, and in the next newsletter. Call 502-895-4598 or email




Thanks to the hard work of Patti Cox and Robert Spangler, the KCB email list has moved to Constant Contact and it has a whole new look. New colors and larger fonts make it easier to read. We can schedule when messages post so you usually receive two messages a day. Most of our problems with bouncing email addresses are now resolved.


Thanks to Joey Couch for his tireless help with the old list. he spent hours and hours taking care of list subscriptions, bounces and posts; without his help, we couldn’t have kept the list up and running.


Subscribe to our list by sending a message with the word subscribe in the subject line to




Gov. Andy Beshear has announced that he prefers that Kentuckians cast absentee paper ballots in the upcoming primary in June, rather than going to a polling place to vote. But Gov. Beshear, the Secretary of State, and the Kentucky Board of Elections have announced no plans for complying with Federal laws guaranteeing people with disabilities the right to vote independently and secretly.


Mailing you a paper ballot, which you cannot read, complete, sign and return independently is NOT providing an accessible voting option.


KCB needs your help right away. Please contact the County Clerk in your county and ask what provisions, if any, are being made for you to vote secretly and independently in Kentucky’s June primary. Call us at (502) 895-4598 or email us at and let us know what you find out. Help us preserve our right to vote.




The Greater Louisville Council of the Blind has held Roundabout nearly every Friday since January, 2015. Individual activities like low vision and tech tips, group discussions, a home-cooked dinner, and games and socializing with friends were part of every Friday.


Then along came the coronavirus. March 6 was the last in-person Roundabout, but it was definitely NOT the last Roundabout.


Every Friday evening, from 7:30 to 9:30 Eastern Time, Roundabout happens by phone. Rick Boggess from Owensboro hosts the call on our Zoom line, and KCB members and friends call in to share information, talk about an interesting topic, share a good book, and even play Bingo.

Roundabout is just a phone call away. Be part of the fun each Friday night. Join the call by dialing 669-900-6833 and enter the code 3572595193. Press the pound key twice and you’ll be in the call.




In March, when most communities were shut down due to the coronavirus, ACB Membership Co-ordinator Cindy Van Winkle began holding ACB Community Calls. Anyone from anywhere in the country could call on the phone and join the conversation.


Now there are at least three community calls each day, and sometimes more. Topics are sometimes serious, like sobriety or coping with loneliness; they may be fun, like accessible games and favorite books, easy chair yoga and sports. Sometimes there’s no subject – just a coffee chat and a chance to make new friends.


Get in on the conversation. Watch for community call announcements on the KCB email list, or visit for more details.




Sound Prints is KCB’s weekly audio magazine filled with features, articles, news and information about blindness and visual impairment.  Listen on your iPhone, Alexa device, Victor Stream, telephone, or computer.  Visit for details, or call us at (502) 895-4598.


Sound Prints is available on audio CD; request a free subscription by calling (502) 895-4598.




Take part in these events, no matter where you live. All times are Eastern. To join calls, dial the number shown, enter the call code and then press the pound key. Please note that these are not toll-free numbers.

GUIDE DOG USERS OF KENTUCKIANA – meeting and support; open to all. Fourth Monday; 7:00 PM.  (605) 475-6006, code 294444


GREATER LOUISVILLE COUNCIL OF THE BLIND – Roundabout meeting by phone each Friday during the coronavirus at 7:30 PM; includes announcements, time for questions, support, games, and a different topic or activity each week; 7:30 PM. (669) 900-6833, code 3572595193


KENTUCKY COUNCIL OF CITIZENS WITH LOW VISION – telephone support groups with tips, ideas, and resources on living with low vision. First and third Wednesdays; 7:30 PM. (669) 900-6833, code 3572595193


KCB NEXT GENERATION – meeting for everyone 40 and under. Second Sunday; 8:00 PM. (669) 900-6833, code 3572595193


NORTHERN KENTUCKY COUNCIL OF THE BLIND – chapter meeting. Second Wednesday; 7:00 PM. (605) 475-4700, code 155619


SUPPORT ALLIANCE OF THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED (Owensboro) – chapter meeting; second Tuesday, 1:00 PM Central; by phone during the coronavirus; call (270) 684-4418 or (270) 686-8689 for details.


TRI-STATE LIBRARY USERS – Page Turners, a chance to share good books; fourth Friday of the month on the Greater Louisville Roundabout call.  Call (502) 895-4598 for details.


AMERICAN COUNCIL OF BLIND LIONS – for visually impaired Lions from all states. First Thursday; 9:00 PM. (712) 432-3900, code 796096


ACB FAMILIES – program and support, first Sunday; meeting, third Sunday. Both at 9:00 PM. (712) 432-3900, code 796096


ACB NEXT GENERATION – Saturday Night Live Chat, fourth Saturday; 8:00 PM. (669) 900-6833, enter code 3572595193

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