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KCB Board Meeting – September, 2015

The monthly meeting of the Kentucky Council of the Blind Board of Directors was held via conference call on Monday, September 21, 2015. First Vice President Joey Couch called the meeting to order at 8:06 PM eastern time. Answering the roll call were Joey Couch, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Bill Deatherage, Debbie Deatherage, Gerry Slusher, Elaine Weisbard, Adam Ruschival, “Cisco” Slusher, Matt Selm, Bill Wright, Frank Campbell, Michelle Haycraft and Bill Roberts. Deb Lewis, Natalie Beyers, and Patti Cox joined the meeting late. Deb Trevino was absent. No guests were present.

Vice President Joey Couch called for reading the August 17 board meeting minutes and summary. Since copies were distributed in advance, Debbie Deatherage made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and summary and for their approval. The motion was seconded by Bill Deatherage and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Carla Ruschival presented her report for August. Elaine Weisbard made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Rick Boggess and unanimously approved.

Carla Ruschival reported that the KY e-Racers placed fourth and raised $2317 for the ACB walk. As of September 20, the total raised nationally was $55,236. KCB will receive $1158.50. Checks will be distributed to chapters this week. There were general contributions from KCB, Louisville Downtown Lions Club and other individuals. Kentucky contributions were about $300 above last year’s.

Chapter Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council – Frank Campbell indicated that chapter members hope to begin planning their Christmas Party in October.

Northern Kentucky Council – Gerry Slusher reported the chapter will have White Cane Safety Day from 10-12 on October 15 at the Covington police station. Participants will cross the street using the cane and view product demonstrations. Gerry will present at the Disability Empowerment Conference on October 3 and will monitor the new chapter email address.

Greater Louisville Council – Bill Wright reported that 41 people attended the quarterly meeting on September 18. The bargain table raised $151. Michelle Haycraft was elected Second Vice President replacing Libby Koch who resigned. The Friday night activity has been renamed Roundabout Friday. Chapter members are advocating for improvements at the intersection of Clifton and Payne. Upcoming activities include a dine out on October 10 at Mark’s Feed Store and the Christmas party on December 5. Chapter members will participate in White Cane Day at Fourth Street Live from 11:30 to 1:00 on October 15 and will attend the McDowell Center open house from 10-2 on October 21.

Tri-State Library Users Group – Adam Ruschival reported the chapter has begun planning for the KCB statewide conference in November. At present no other activities are scheduled.

Guide Dog Users of Kentucky – Michelle Haycraft reported that chapter members will visit Oxmoor Mall for lunch and a walk from 2-4 on September 27. They hope to arrange a Facetime presentation by the Guide Dog Users Inc. president and a play by Rick Roderick at the state convention. Deb Lewis will participate in White Cane Day in Louisville on October 15 and will attend the McDowell Center open house on October 21. The chapter will conduct officer elections at the KCB Convention in November. Members continue to explore ideas for additional service projects.

Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired – Bill Roberts reported that 19 people (including four guests) attended the chapter’s September 8 meeting. Kristy Clark and Leslie Wilson talked about senior services available through GRADD (the Green River Area Development District). The chapter raised $75 at its September 15 Texas Roadhouse fundraiser. The chapter will have a booth at Senior Day Out on September 24 at Town Square Mall. City and county officials will participate in a White Cane Day celebration in downtown Owensboro on October 20.

KCB Next Generation – Matt Selm reported the chapter raffled off a basket at the GLCB quarterly meeting. Eleven people (including two first timers) attended brunch at Toast On Market on September 20. They will have a Halloween party on October 31 and will conduct elections at the KCB Convention.


PR/Membership – Rick Boggess reported that the committee met on September 2. Topics covered include the newsletter (which has since been released) and an update on the new webpage and email addresses. Chapters need to designate someone to monitor email. Members shared ideas for the remaining fields on the AMMS database. The committee will work to establish contacts at the four year colleges around the state. The webpage continues to be updated. Carla reported that Sound Prints is now available as a podcast feed for issues going back to January 2015. At present the url has to be entered manually. The download and listen links are now in place. Problems with the CD burner have been resolved and the editions for last week and this week will be mailed together. Carla asked that anyone who does not wish to receive the CD edition to notify her since it costs about $20 per person annually to produce copies.

KCB Convention – Joey Couch reported that several convention speakers have been confirmed. Adam Ruschival made a motion to approve up to $150 to provide convention transportation to Tom Lutes, the only known living continuous charter member from 50 years ago, if he is able to come. The motion was seconded by Gerry Slusher and unanimously approved. Carla Ruschival made a motion that the convention theme be “KCB – 50 Golden Years”. Rick Boggess seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. The next committee meeting will be at 7:30 PM on October 1.

Old Business

Carla Ruschival reported it does not appear KCB is going to qualify for group tax exemption with the IRS. There is now an online filing process (form 1023-ez) which is much simpler for those seeking 501c(3) status. She will share the 26-item worksheet with the board so that chapters can examine the sheet and determine if they are interested in pursuing 501c(3) status. There is a $400 filing fee.

Carla Ruschival reported the ACB Radio Auction will once again be broadcast from Louisville on five of the six ACB channels on December 6. At present 25 items have been committed with the hope of securing 60 by the end of October. Carla made a motion that KCB donate four jewelry items valued at $200 for the auction. Joey Couch seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

New Business

President Deb Lewis raised the question of possibly incorporating some short trainings (10-15 minutes) into some future board meetings. Board members agreed this would be a good idea. Suggested topics include insurance information and an update on KCB’s financial holding from the Ameriprise advisor. Adam Ruschival suggested that guest speakers be placed first on the agenda so they do not have to wait for board business.

Adam Ruschival made a motion that KCB provide pastries for the SRC makeup meeting which will be held on September 24. The motion was seconded by “Cisco” Slusher and unanimously approved.

Deb Lewis announced that several GLCB members are making hats and scarves for the needy. Any chapter wishing to contribute to this is encouraged to bring items to the state convention in November.

Announcements and Adjournment

Carla Ruschival made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Adam Ruschival and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:12 PM.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingSeptember2015

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