Sound Prints – March 6, 2016
Report from ACB Midyear meetings; presentation by J. Andrew White on the Civil War in Kentucky
Building Better Tomorrows Today for Kentuckians with Vision Loss
Sound Prints podcast by KCB
Report from ACB Midyear meetings; presentation by J. Andrew White on the Civil War in Kentucky
Your County Court Clerk in action; Blindfold Games for the iPhone and iPad
Talking prescription labels at Rite-Aid; Bluegrass Council expands; Diane Croft retires from National Braille Press; driverless cars
Rare Louis Braille book at the American Printing House for the Blind; 1966 Kentucky State High School wrestling team from the Kentucky School for the Blind to be honored; meet an accessible, feature-packed countertop grill
Meet Tony Stephens, ACB’s new Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs; athletic programs at the Kentucky School for the Blind; a new trivia app for the iPhone and iPad
Attend the ACB National Convention as one of 10 DKM First-timers and Leadership Fellows; go international with Sound Prints as we learn about life in Qatar, a small country on the Arabian Sea
The ACB Tupperware Party and what ACB does for you with Brian Charlson; new shows on ACB Radio with Debbie Hazelton; and coupons and shopping apps for the iPhone with Debbie Deatherage and Deanna Scoggins
Make Uber rides smoother and easier for you and your guide dog with these tips and tricks; a new historical acquisition at the American Printing House museum; is our dream of a personal flying vehicle a reality? and much more on this week’s Sound Prints.
Special library services from the regional talking book library at Perkins School for the Blind; Kim Charlson’s banquet address at the KCB 50 Golden Years Conference and Convention
2015 in review; top two Sound Prints features – Eric Bridges on the 25th anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Brian Charlson demonstrating the new Apple Watch