Sound Prints – January 3, 2016
Special library services from the regional talking book library at Perkins School for the Blind; Kim Charlson’s banquet address at the KCB 50 Golden Years Conference and Convention
Building Better Tomorrows Today for Kentuckians with Vision Loss
Sound Prints podcast by KCB
Special library services from the regional talking book library at Perkins School for the Blind; Kim Charlson’s banquet address at the KCB 50 Golden Years Conference and Convention
2015 in review; top two Sound Prints features – Eric Bridges on the 25th anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Brian Charlson demonstrating the new Apple Watch
News about the Microsoft/ACB partnership on accessible software; a montage of the 2015 ACB Radio Holiday Auction; a touch of Hanukkah; and a recipe for Sad Cake from a recent Greater Louisville Council of the Blind Roundabout
Dr. Craig Meador, Vice President of Education Services at the American Printing House for the Blind, speaks on “Technology’s Golden Future” at the KCB 50 Golden Years conference and convention; holiday hilarity and fun at the 4-chapter Christmas with the Council Christmas Party in Louisville
ACB Holiday Auction, Golden Apple iDevices Workshop from the KCB 50 Golden Years convention
Non-24 sleep disorder, homeowner’s and renter’s insurance, Kentucky Assistive Technology Loan program
KCB 50 Golden Years Anniversary Convention Highlights, including storytelling, history of traveling with a guide dog, and KCB anniversary celebration
Ray Campbell describes his new job at United Airlines and includes job-hunting tips for today; Janet Dickelman previews tours for the 2016 ACB National Convention in Minneapolis
Jeff Bishop introduces ACB Link, KCB 2015 convention details, and legislative update with Eric Bridges
Intro to Boot Camp job search strategies, crockpot recipe exchange, KCB history from 1987