KCB Board Meeting – August, 2013

The monthly meeting of the Kentucky Council of the Blind Board of Directors was held via conference call on Monday, August 19, 2013. President Deb Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:06 PM eastern time. Members present were Deb Lewis, Deb Trevino, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Bill Deatherage, Patti Cox, Debbie Deatherage, Frances Gregory, “Cisco” Slusher, Adam Ruschival, Donnie Parrett and Bill Wright. Members Joey Couch, Vurah Berry and Gerry Slusher were unable to attend. Guests Elaine Weisbard and Dave Trevino were also present.

President Deb Lewis called for reading of the minutes from the July 15 meeting. Since a copy had been e-mailed to board members prior to the meeting, she asked if anyone needed the minutes read. “Cisco” Slusher moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes and for their approval. Bill Deatherage seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Carla Ruschival presented the treasurer’s report for the period ending July 31.

Carla Ruschival updated the board on the recent purchase of the Pemco fund which provides monthly income. Carla also made a motion that the board authorize her to sell its shares of GE stock, which has recently been as high as $24.85, when it reaches $25 a share and use the money to purchase another income bearing preferred stock or mutual fund such as the Pemco Fund. The motion was seconded by Patti Cox. After considerable discussion regarding the proposed $25 selling price, the motion was unanimously approved.

Bill Wright made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. “Cisco” Slusher seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

Chapter Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council: President Deb Lewis presented a chapter update from Joey Couch. The chapter held a picnic during the second weekend in July and continues to work with CKRE to expand service into eastern Kentucky. Joey requested information about available newspapers in eastern Kentucky. Bill Wright indicated he would contact Joey with related information. Carla Ruschival indicated that a complete list of newspapers is available online from the KY Press Association. The chapter has also added one person to the Sound Prints distribution list.

Donnie Parrett reported that he did a braille seminar and showed a variety of aids to a group in late July. He will be doing another presentation for a group on September 6 at Danville Christian Academy. Donnie also reported that between 10 and 12 people from Jackson and Laurel Counties have expressed an interest in attending a meeting on October 5 to explore interest in establishing a chapter in his area. Transportation will be provided.

Northern Kentucky Council: “Cisco” Slusher reported that the chapter has been busy working with local government officials to plan a White Cane Day. Interested participants will have the opportunity to cross a street while under blindfold and will be given literature about KCB and visual impairment.

The chapter recently elected the following officers: “Cisco” Slusher, president; Terri Meyer, first vice president; Kathleen Lord, second vice president; Mike Skidmoore, treasurer; Gerry Slusher, secretary; David Perry, director; and Rhonda Skidmoore, director.

Greater Louisville Council: Bill Wright reported the chapter continues to be very busy. A workshop on macular degeneration is scheduled for August 21 at the Crescent Hill library branch. Upcoming activities for September include bingo on the 14th and the quarterly meeting on the 21st.

Tri-State Library Users Group: Adam Ruschival reported the chapter held a meeting at Dish On Market in July and several people from around the state were updated on what is going on at Bookshare during its conference call in August. The next meeting will be held at Denny’s on September 3.

Guide Dog Users of Kentucky: Deb Lewis reported the chapter had a phone conference call on July 30. Several members also recently attended the film, “A Patch of Blue”, at the American Printing House for the Blind. The next meeting will be held on August 27.

Committee Reports

Committee Chairs: President Deb Lewis announced the appointment of the following committee chairs: Resolutions, Constitution and Bylaws, Adam Ruschival; Nominating, Bill Wright; PR/Membership, Rick Boggess; Convention, Joey Couch; and Awards, Deanna Scoggins.

SRC Update: On July 26, Carla Ruschival attended her first meeting as a member of the SRC board. There is considerable concern about some provisions of the recently introduced SB-1356 which is a part of the reauthorization of the Rehabilitation Act. Last week’s Sound Prints included an interview with Allison Flanagan in which she outlined some of OFB’s concerns with the proposed legislation. Carla also reminded the board that several slots on the SRC board will be open this next year. Interested persons should try to submit their applications before the October meeting. Adam Ruschival pointed out that the Kentucky Business Enterprises Vendors Committee will have their meeting at the McDowell Center on October 26. This year there is a one day meeting; they will not meet on Friday evening as they have done in the past. Carla Ruschival also expressed concern that those attending the SRC board meetings are unable to purchase meals due to limitations in the vendor contract. She made a motion that KCB request a copy of the McDowell Center’s food contract with the Columbia’s. Bill Wright seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. President Deb Lewis will be at the McDowell Center tomorrow and will attempt to get a copy of the contract. If this does not work, then a copy may be requested under the state open records law.

Old Business

Sound Prints Progress Report: Carla Ruschival reported that, although some of the equipment has not yet been set up, Sound Prints is off to a great start. The CD copy is being distributed to 43 people. While the online version is one file, the disk based version is divided into separate files to allow for easy navigation. The last two weeks have seen record downloads with 268 downloads of the issue dealing with KSB and 282 downloads for the edition containing Allison Flanagan’s interview. A link to the Allison Flanagan interview has been placed on the ACB Radio webpage. Next week there will be an interview with a new Russian exchange student at KSB. The program continues to air on CKRE and ACB radio and attempts are being made to get it onto the Cincinnati Reading service. Those individuals who plan to be on the KSB campus as a part of producing Sound Prints must have a background check.

New Business

KSB Update: Several people from KCB traveled to Frankfort last week to attend the KY Department of Education meeting to show support for John Roberts and to express concerns about proposed changes at KSB. Since they were running late they missed the opportunity to address the board on the issue. However, Burt Boyer and Gary Mudd presented concerns to the board and felt they were heard. KDE has sent a letter asking to meet with representatives from the KSB Alumni Association this Thursday. Burt Boyer has resigned from the KSB Advisory Board. A representative from the KY Department of Education traveled to KSB two times last week to meet with staff and address concerns. KSB staff, led by Robert Williams-Neal, expressed overwhelming support for John Roberts during one of those visits. It has been learned that John Roberts has been named Acting Director of Instruction. The new position was posted last Thursday and members of the site-based decision making council, which will include 11 people, will interview prospective candidates.

Charitable Foundation Golf Tournament or Roby Junior Olympics: President Deb Lewis pointed out that, in the past, KCB has contributed $150 to either the KSB Charitable Foundation Golf Tournament or the Roby Junior Olympics. Carla Ruschival made a motion that KCB contribute $150 to sponsor Ken Washington in the KSB Charitable Foundation Golf Tournament. Rick Boggess seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

2014 Crossroads Conference: President Deb Lewis indicated that some affiliates, including Ohio and Tennessee, have expressed interest in having another Crossroads Conference in 2014. Adam Ruschival made a motion that KCB act as host group for another Crossroads activity for the weekend of March 21, 2014. The motion was seconded by Deb Trevino. Patti Cox reported that she has been checking out rates and that the Best Western offered the best rate ($79 per night) and is most accessible. One minor change in the proposed contract, which has not yet been received, will allow food items in the meeting room rather than making them available only in the hospitality room. The motion was then unanimously approved.

Other New Business

Patti Cox asked whether or not we should hold the November KCB convention dates with Halls. Carla Ruschival made a motion that Patti contact Halls and get prices to provide meals for Friday and Saturday nights. Adam Ruschival seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.


Since there were no announcements and no further business, Patti Cox moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded and the board unanimously voted to adjourn at 9:26 PM.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary:KCBBoardMeetingAugust2013

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