KCB Board Meeting – March, 2013

The monthly meeting of the Kentucky Council of the Blind Board of Directors was held via conference call on Thursday, March 21, 2013. President Deb Lewis called the meeting to order at 9:08 PM eastern time. Members present were Deb Lewis, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Debbie Deatherage, Jim Shaw, Adam Ruschival, Cisco Slusher, Gerry Slusher, Patti Cox, and Bill Wright. Members Deb Trevino, Joey Couch, Bill Deatherage, Frances Gregory, Vurah Berry and Donnie Parrett were unable to attend. Guests Elaine Weisbard and David Cox were also present. It should be noted that David Perry has designated Gerry Slusher to replace him as the Northern KY Council representative to the Board. President Deb Lewis reminded the Board that she should receive notice of such changes and it was pointed out that David Perry had sent out a notification which she apparently did not receive.

President Deb Lewis called for reading of the minutes from the February 21 meeting. Since a copy had been e-mailed to board members prior to the meeting, she asked if anyone needed the minutes read. Debbie Deatherage moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes and for their approval. Cisco Slusher seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. President Deb Lewis indicated that it is her understanding from the Crossroads training on Robert’s Rules of Order that it is no longer necessary to vote to accept the minutes. She plans to seek clarification on this issue.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Carla Ruschival indicated she had only a partial report for the period ending February 28. Carla stated that these balances do not reflect stocks held by KCB and do not include some deposits and payment of expenses related to the recently completed Crossroads Leadership Conference. She indicated she would provide the board with the missing balances before our next meeting. Cisco Slusher made a motion to accept the partial report with the understanding that Carla will provide the Board with updated balances for the stocks via email. The motion was seconded by Bill Wright and unanimously approved by the Board.

Chapter Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council: An update on chapter activities was not available since a chapter representative was not present.

Northern Kentucky Council: Gerry Slusher reported that the chapter did not have a meeting in March. However, there will be a meeting on April 11 and they will be going out to eat at Greyhound Tavern on the evening of April 9. She also reported that the chapter is looking into getting onto Linked In for additional networking opportunities. They have also been invited to participate in an April 9 luncheon on Emergency Preparedness for people with Disabilities.

Greater Louisville Council: Bill Wright stated that the chapter will be holding its Quarterly meeting from 2-8 PM on April 13 at KSB. The meeting will include a meal, election of new officers, and a presentation on Social Security by Jim Shaw. In addition, the chapter will be having bingo on the third Friday in April and a derby party on the first Saturday in May.

Tri-state Library Users Group: Adam Ruschival stated that the chapter had good attendance at its bimonthly meeting in March at Dish On Market. The report submitted to the ACB national office on March 15 shoed the chapter had 20 or 21 members. He stated that the location for the next Meeting, which will be held on the first Tuesday in May, has not been decided. Everyone is invited to participate in the chapter‘s conference call on our conference line on Tuesday April 2 at 8 PM (eastern time).

Guide Dog Users of Kentucky: Deb Lewis indicated that the chapter did not really do anything other than meeting this past month. They are hoping to take a walk around the reservoir at the park in April and will be having a bake sale at the GLCB quarterly meeting on April 13. Deb stated she will be traveling to Cincinnati this weekend to attend the Guide Dogs for the Blind workshop and luncheon and she hopes to report back to the chapter about this meeting when she returns. The chapter will hold its monthly meeting on the conference line at 8 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday March 26. The report submitted to the ACB national office on March 15 shoed the chapter has grown from 7 to 25 members in the last year and a half. Deb stated she hopes to have 30 members by this time next year.

Committee Reports

Cross Roads Committee: Deb Lewis indicated that 55 people from several states attended the “fantastic” Crossroads Leadership Conference which was held in Louisville on March 15-17. The hotel, speakers and sessions were great. Members of the board who attended the conference agreed with her observations. Among their favorite sessions were the ones on Robert’s Rules, Nolan Crabb’s APPS session, Adam Ruschival’s session, and the session on ethics. The session on women’s dress and Howard Cook’s banquet speech were also well received. Adam Ruschival pointed out that people need to remember that the purpose of the conference was to aid with the development of leadership skills which could be used in any organization, not just ACB or KCB.

Old Business

President Deb Lewis inquired about whether or not there was any new information relating to the status of nominations to the State Rehabilitation Council. Gerry Slusher indicated she knows they are looking for two business nominations since Bury Couch was not approved. Carla Ruschival asked for clarification on whether the nomination had been rejected or whether OFB was waiting receipt of two additional nominations before submitting names to be considered. Jerry Slusher and Jim Shaw both indicated that it was their understanding that Bury’s nomination had been rejected by the governor’s office. Carla Ruschival asked about what other SRC Board positions are opening up. Gerry Slusher stated that she believes At Large and Business Now positions will be vacant. Carla Ruschival asked Gerry Slusher whether Shirley Stivers had been approached about serving on the board. Gerry stated she had spoken to Shirley but that she had been hoping Shirley would get a position in Lexington which would allow her to serve as a business representative. The board agreed that Shirley would be an excellent candidate for the At Large position and asked Gerry Slusher to encourage her to apply for the opening.

Adam Ruschival reported that he has heard that Richard Nesbitt may be retiring at the end of April. It is unclear whether or not he will be replaced due to the budgetary constraints faced by OFB.

President Deb Lewis asked for an update on Sound Prints. Carla Ruschival stated that she and Patti Cox had planned to visit KSB and examine the school radio station earlier today but that they had been unable to do so since Patti wasn’t feeling well. Carla indicated that they would be unable to meet with KSB staff next week but that she hopes to visit with them very early in April.

Carla indicated that she did not foresee anything which would prevent us from making the change to producing the show at KSB. Producing the show at KSB would be convenient and allow for expanded opportunities for KSB students to become involved. Carla further indicated that we would mainly be using the soundproof studio at KSB, not the equipment which offers only very limited coverage. It is highly unlikely we will be able to have a direct live Internet connection at KSB since access is very tightly controlled by the Kentucky Department of Education. However, that topic has not been discussed at this time.

When considering other possible options for producing Sound Prints, Carla indicated there might be a possibility of doing the show at APH. However, this probably would not work well since there would potentially be very limited accessibility if the show is produced after hours.

Rick Boggess inquired about the feasibility of approaching a local public broadcasting station to produce Sound Prints. Carla indicated they had checked into this in the past and that “underwriting” those slots cost as much as, if not more than, producing it on a private radio station.

Patti Cox inquired about setting up a live internet feed for Sound Prints through the local cable company. Carla Ruschival responded that it is the consensus of those she has spoken with that a WIFI connection is really not sufficient; it is almost necessary to have a hard wired connection for such feeds.

Carla Ruschival pointed out that if we cancel the Clear Channel contract, the live broadcast of Sound Prints will probably disappear and it will move to a magazine format. Basically, the only thing we will lose is the live Wednesday night broadcast. The program will continue to be available through all other outlets and arrangements can be made to produce CD copies for those who do not have access. In addition, she would like to make arrangements to offer the show as a Newsline feed. She suggested that our goal be to make the change as of the 11th anniversary which will be on May 15. However, we would need to notify Clear Channel of the intent to cancel the contract prior to that date. Patti Cox and Jim Shaw asked if the Clear Channel contract contains a termination clause. Carla Ruschival stated that she would double check the “opt out clause” before giving such a notice. However, she stated that such clauses are customary for both sides.

Deb Lewis asked if we know of any members who might have joined KCB as a result of hearing the local Sound Prints broadcasts over the years. Carla Ruschival indicated that there may have been a few but that there is really no way to verify that.

Gerry Slusher made a motion that we check out KSB, and other options for producing Sound Prints, and notify Clear Channel about our intent to opt out of the contract before our next meeting if a viable option is found. Jim Shaw seconded the motion which was unanimously approved by the board.

New Business

President Deb Lewis called for new business. Cisco Slusher asked about when Crossroads stipend checks would be issued. Carla Ruschival stated that the checks will be mailed out tomorrow to those who did not receive reimbursement last weekend. Cisco and Gerry Slusher also asked whether or not their Crossroads payment had been received since the check has not cleared the bank. Carla encouraged them not to cancel the check until she can double check on things and get back with them tomorrow to discuss resolution of the issue.


President Deb Lewis reminded Board members that the ACB convention will be held in Columbus, Ohio on July 4-12. She stated that it is not too early to make room reservations at the Hyatt Regency and look for roommates if necessary. Room rates are $89 (plus tax) per night for single, double, triple and quadruple occupancy. All rooms have refrigerators. Reservations may be made by calling 1-888-421-1442 or by going to the 2013 convention link on the ACB website.

Adam Ruschival pointed out that we have provided stipends to those attending out of town conventions in the past and asked if it was too early to consider stipends for the upcoming ACB national convention. In response, Carla Ruschival stated that we have provided $100 to $150 stipends in the past. Adam then made a motion that KCB offer a $100 stipend to KCB dues paying members (as of June 15) who must be seated with the Kentucky delegation while attending the Saturday night opening general session or the Thursday closing session and at least one other morning session. The motion was seconded by Bill Wright and unanimously approved by the board.

Patti Cox reported that Greyhound’s weekday rates are $56-58 (one way) while weekend rates are around $65. Deb Lewis also pointed out that there may be discounts to those who purchase tickets two weeks in advance. MegaBus also serves Columbus but it appears you have to go through Indianapolis. Stops for both bus lines are near the hotel.

Adam Ruschival suggested that we consider investigating the feasibility of taking a van from the Louisville area. After some discussion, he agreed to further investigate this matter. Deb Lewis indicated that she has had the opportunity to work with Extreme Transportation in Indiana and offered to share contact information with Adam. She stated that they have been very easy to work with in the past.

Since there was no further business, Adam Ruschival made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Rick Boggess and the board unanimously voted to adjourn at 10:28 PM.

Submitted By Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingMarch2013

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