KCB Board Meeting – May, 2013

The monthly meeting of the Kentucky Council of the Blind Board of Directors was held via conference call on Monday, May 20, 2013. President Deb Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:04 PM eastern time. Members present were Deb Lewis, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Bill Deatherage, Patti Cox, Debbie Deatherage, Frances Gregory, Cisco Slusher, Vurah Berry, Adam Ruschival, Gerry Slusher, and Bill Wright. Members Deb Trevino, Joey Couch, and Donnie Parrett were unable to attend. Guests Elaine Weisbard and David Cox were also present.

President Deb Lewis called for reading of the minutes from the April 18 meeting. Since a copy had been e-mailed to board members prior to the meeting, she asked if anyone needed the minutes read. Cisco Slusher moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes and for their approval. Carla Ruschival seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Carla Ruschival presented the treasurer’s report for the period ending April 30.
Bill Wright made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved by the board.

Chapter Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council: A report was not available since a representative from the chapter was not present.

Northern Kentucky Council: Gerry Slusher reported that the chapter’s meeting had to be cancelled at the last minute. She also stated that she had been in contact with a gentleman who is interested in volunteering with the chapter. He has been invited to the next chapter meeting to discuss his ideas on how he might assist. Gerry also stated that she had appeared before the Covington city council to commend them for the audible traffic signal which had been installed and to express some concerns about the level of noise being emitted by the signal. Several KCB board members expressed concern about turning down the sound or permanently turning off certain features. It was pointed out that most of the newer signals can be adjusted to account for the level of surrounding noise and the time of day.

Greater Louisville Council: Bill Wright reported that the chapter continues to be quite busy. 41 people attended the Derby party on the first Saturday in May and 37 people participated in bingo on April 17. Carla Ruschival pointed out that GLCB members continue to be active on a variety of neighborhood and community committees. Deb Lewis is also planning a group outing to the Louisville Nature Center on Wednesday afternoon. The chapter will also be donating a pie for the ACB auction and will participate in the Braille Forum raffle.

Tri-state Library Users Group: Adam Ruschival indicated that the chapter had its May meeting at the KSB library. They ate pizza and held a short business meeting. At the business meeting, the group elected Adam Ruschival as its new treasurer replacing Jim Shaw who recently passed away. Adam stated that the accounts had not yet been transferred but that this will be done in the very near future. Following the business meeting, librarian Heather Davis provided a very informative tour of the library. The next meeting will be a phone conference call at 8 PM Eastern Time on June 4. It is hoped that people from around the state will participate in the meeting. Barbara Penegor from the Kentucky Talking Book Library will join the call to provide updated information and answer questions.

Guide Dog Users of Kentucky: Vurah Berry reported that Doctor Tolar performed around 17 eye exams on guide dogs at KSB on Friday May 17. Dr. Tolar indicated that she hopes to perform the exams again next year. The next meeting will be on the conference line next Tuesday at 8 PM Eastern Time.

SRC Report: Gerry Slusher indicated several people, including Joey Couch and Bess Douthitt, will be leaving the council. Although several individuals have applied for the upcoming SRC vacancies, it is not known if replacements have been appointed by the governor. At its last meeting, the SRC Board requested that the state ADA coordinator be asked to submit regular reports since the agency receives some funding from the Office for the Blind. A letter, drafted by Bess Douthitt and Sharon Fields, has been sent to the ADA Coordinator and was provided to the KCB board for informational purposes. Gerry Slusher also stated that she is somewhat concerned about the recent announcement that fiscal management responsibilities for the Office for the Blind will be merged into the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation despite assurances from Allison Flanagan that this is not an attempt to merge the Office for the Blind and Voc. Rehab. Carla Ruschival indicated that she was at the board meeting and understood that the SRC Board also wanted Newsline to provide regular reports to the SRC board since they also receive funding from the Kentucky Office for the Blind. Gerry Slusher indicated that this was also her understanding and stated she will contact Bess Douthitt to discuss this apparent oversight. The next meeting of the SRC board will be on July 26.

Adam Ruschival reported that Richard Nesbitt has retired and that Jim Shaw presented him with the mugs at the April SRC meeting. The pastries which KCB provided for the last SRC meeting were a real hit and were actually a topic of discussion when OFB Executive Director Allison Flanagan met ACB Executive Director Melanie Brunson for the first time at a function in Washington, DC.

McDowell Center Meeting Report: Deb Lewis reported on the McDowell Center meeting which was held on April 25. The Center is starting a new program which focuses on independent living, academics and job acquisition. The Center has also recently installed a new heating and air conditioning system which should significantly reduce energy costs once it is regulated correctly.

Old Business

Sound Prints Progress Report: Carla Ruschival stated that the final Sound Prints broadcast on Clear Channel will be on May 22. Clear Channel understands that the reason for cancelling the show is strictly financial. They have pointed out that it would cost considerably more to enter into a new contract once Sound Prints is discontinued. Carla stated she has begun creating a list of individuals wishing to receive the new show on audio CD. AT this point there are approximately 16 people on the list. Vurah Berry, Cisco Slusher, and Elaine Weisbard requested that their names be added to the list. Michael McCarty has indicated that he does not wish to continue as co-host, but he will be willing to do some features on technology. The new magazine format should allow more flexibility and may permit an increased number of features in each show. Some of the equipment needed to produce the show has been ordered and more will be acquired in the near future. Carla further indicated that she thinks the cost of the equipment will be within the amount authorized by the KCB Board. Carla also advised the board that it is highly likely that people going to KSB to produce Sound Prints will need to have a background check. Adam Ruschival suggested that KCB talk with Barbara Penegor about the possibility of having Sound Prints subscription applications on hand at the Kentucky Talking Book Library. Carla Ruschival indicated that she has talked to Pam Glisson, the Kentucky coordinator for Newsline, about getting the audio magazine on Newsline. She is waiting for Pam to provide information on the format and size of files needed for Newsline. The show will stay on CKRE, ACB Radio and the KCB website; only the Wednesday night live broadcast will disappear.

President Deb Lewis asked if it might be possible to provide KSB summer school students with written information about KCB and a CD copy of Sound Prints. Carla Ruschival indicated this may be possible. She also reported she is exploring the possibility of putting copies of Sound Prints in some of the KSB dorms and in the KSB library. She reported that a copy will also be sent to the McDowell Center. It was also suggested that a copy of the audio magazine be sent to the Cincinnati Association for the Blind.

Adam Ruschival asked if anyone knows Carol Jones. He indicated he thought it would be a good idea to try to get her on the last live Sound Prints show or on the first show for the new audio magazine since she appeared on the very first Sound Prints show. Gerry Slusher indicated she thought Carol was experiencing some health issues and was living with her daughter. Gerry stated she did not know Carol’s phone number but would try to get in contact with her to explore this possibility.

New Business

President Deb Lewis asked who plans to attend the ACB convention in Columbus. It appears that Adam Ruschival, Carla Ruschival, Patti Cox, David Cox, and Deb Lewis plan to attend.

President Deb Lewis asked Adam Ruschival if he had worked out any transportation for those wishing to attend the ACB convention in Columbus. Adam responded that he had not been able to make any arrangements since there did not seem to be a large number going from the Louisville area.

President Deb Lewis suggested the board consider the possibility of contributing $200 toward a heroes page in memory of Jim Shaw. Carla Ruschival reported that GLCB voted to contribute $200 and ACB Lions had contributed $100 toward the page. She also stated that KCB has received a $325 contribution from the Middletown Lions Club in Jim’s honor and that she thought it would be fitting to apply $200 of this amount toward purchasing the heroes page in Jim’s honor. Patti Cox made a motion that KCB contribute $200 toward the purchase of the heroes page to honor Jim. Cisco Slusher seconded the motion which was unanimously approved by the board.

Cisco Slusher reminded the board that KCB currently has several awards and asked whether or not it would be appropriate to consider establishing an award in Jim Shaw’s honor. Patti Cox also suggested that consideration should be given to having an award honoring contributions made by her grandmother, “Lula” Dotson. After considerable discussion, it was pointed out that we already have a standing awards committee which could be charged with examining our current awards, exploring whether or not they should be realigned or expanded and recommending the nature of future awards. Cisco Slusher volunteered to be on the committee. It was decided that President Deb Lewis will take a look at the standing committees from last year and begin considering appointments to those committees.


Rick Boggess reported that four people (including one new lady) attended the support group meeting in Owensboro on May 9. Karen Perry, Assistive Technology Specialist from the KY Office for the Blind in Bowling Green, showed some screen enlarging technology and Rick Boggess demonstrated his personal ID Mate and a demo ScripTalks unit from Envision America. Rick indicated that, while he had the demo ScripTalks unit, he also met with two local pharmacists for a demonstration. The pharmacists seemed pretty impressed with one observing that the unit could also be beneficial to those who cannot read. Plans are to have another meeting in August. Carla indicated a willingness to send a couple of Sound Prints CDs which could be shared with the group.

Adam Ruschival announced that the KSB Alumni Association will meet on June 7-9 on the KSB campus. All KSB alumni, as well as those who wish they might have been alumni, are welcome to attend.

Adam Ruschival also announced that Gary Mudd from the American Printing House for the Blind received the Paul Langan Award at the KSB Founder’s Day on May 9.

President Deb Lewis announced that the annual Candle in the Window Conference will be held in Henryville, Indiana on August 7-11. Early registration is $485 before July 1 and will increase to $500 after that. Registration includes all materials, meals, snacks and room. The topic for the conference is self-advocacy.

Deb Lewis again reminded the board that the next Library Users meeting will be a phone conference at 8 PM Eastern Time on June 4.

Since there was no further business, Carla Ruschival moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Adam Ruschival and the board unanimously voted to adjourn at 9:27 PM.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingMay2013

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