KCB Board Meeting – February, 2014

The monthly meeting of the Kentucky Council of the Blind Board of Directors was held via conference call on Monday, February 17, 2014. President Deb Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:08 PM eastern time. Members present were Deb Lewis, Deb Trevino, Joey Couch, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Patti Cox, Debbie Deatherage, Natalie Beyers, “Cisco” Slusher, Elaine Weisbard, Vurah Berry, Adam Ruschival, Gerry Slusher and Bill Wright. Members Bill Deatherage and Donnie Parrett were absent. Guests Wendy Stepro and David Cox were also present.

President Deb Lewis called for reading of the minutes from the January 20 meeting. Since a copy had been e-mailed to board members prior to the meeting, she asked if anyone needed the minutes read. “Cisco” Slusher moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes and for their approval. Deb Trevino seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Carla Ruschival presented her report as of January, 2014. She also reported that Guide Dog Users of Kentucky has closed their account and transferred the balance into the KCB account to avoid paying a monthly bank service charge. These designated funds will be reflected in the treasurer’s report beginning in March.

Elaine Weisbard made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Deb Trevino and unanimously approved.

Chapter Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council – Joey Couch reported that the chapter has not had any activities in the past month. The next meeting will be on March 1 at 1:00 PM at the Breathitt County Public Library. People interested in assisting with testing of equipment for the upcoming beta test by Central Kentucky Radio Eye (especially people living in the Pineville, Middlesboro, and Barbourville areas) should contact Joey.

Northern Kentucky Council – Gerry Slusher reported that the chapter’s February conference call meeting has been rescheduled for this Thursday (February 20) due to low participation. Although all the Kentucky Peel ‘n Save cards have been sold, inclement weather has interfered with sales of the Cincinnati cards. The chapter has mailed a $250 check to KCB to cover the cost of the cards. Gerry is planning to post information on the NKCB facebook page about the upcoming Crossroads conference and the March 25 Office for the Blind public hearing which will be held in Northern Kentucky. “Cisco” Slusher informed the board that Gerry Slusher has been nominated to a position on the Covington Human Rights Commission and will be appointed on Tuesday.

Greater Louisville Council – Bill Wright reported that Deb Trevino’s Craft Chat met on February 3 and is scheduled to meet on the first Monday of each month. Considering the weather, bingo on February 7 was well attended. However, weather forced cancellation of the February 15 activity. Deb Lewis will host an afternoon activity at her apartment complex on February 25 and bingo is scheduled for early March. The activity schedule for March is light with the hope that people will consider attending the Crossroads Conference.

Tri-state Library Users – Adam Ruschival reported that there was good participation when the chapter held its phone conference call on February 4. Participants shared their favorite books and authors. Election of officers will be held at the next meeting which will be from 6:00 to 8:00 PM on March 4 at Denny’s, 434 Eastern Parkway in Louisville. Adam indicated that the chapter will probably move its account into KCB’s account as a designated fund due to high bank charges.

Guide Dog Users of Kentucky – Vurah Berry reported that the chapter’s monthly meeting was devoted to discussing dues for the upcoming year and exploring the possibility of getting Dr. Tolar to perform guide dog eye exams. Deb Lewis reported that Dr. Tolar has agreed to once again conduct the exams in May.

Other Reports

Owensboro Support Group – Rick Boggess reported that 17 people attended the group’s February 13 meeting at the Western Kentucky Assistive Technology Center in Owensboro. Members listened to a presentation about services provided by the center, examined assistive technology items and discussed a variety of resources. Those attending the March 11 meeting from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at Wing Avenue Baptist Church will hear about accessible voting and examine an accessible voting machine.


Crossroads Conference – Deb Lewis reported that conference preregistration is currently open using email, phone, mail and online. The conference features six general sessions. Due to the need to share so much information, the Saturday sessions will begin at 8:30 AM. To facilitate easier mobility, the hospitality area will be set up in the conference room. There are indications that people from several states plan to attend. Carla Ruschival indicated that one of the fun highlights on Saturday evening will involve a competitive auction during which the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of the ACB of Ohio and the Tennessee Council of the Blind will share and demonstrate how they use auctions for fundraising. Room reservations are due by February 28 and preregistration concludes on March 15. Carla reminded the board that KCB members who register and attend the convention will receive a $25 stipend at the conclusion of the conference.

PR/Membership – Rick Boggess reported on the PR/Membership committee February 5 meeting. The meeting was mainly devoted to discussing the membership letter draft and to sharing ideas about a newsletter. The next meeting is scheduled on March 5. Carla reported that addresses are now in the ACB database and that Lane Waters will be bringing the labels to the ACB midyear conference on February 20. The newsletter should be in the mail by the end of February. Carla pointed out that sending a newsletter which includes membership information makes it possible to disseminate the information more widely.

SRC – Bill Deatherage and Carla Ruschival participated in the January SRC meeting at the McDowell Center. Jack Kennedy reported that arguments have been submitted in the Fort Campbell vending case and they are waiting on a decision. Jack also announced that he would be attending the Sagebrush conference held in Las Vegas the week of February 8. Allison Flanagan also plans to send OFB staff to both the NFB and ACB summer conventions. Carla Ruschival reported that Bill Deatherage’s term on the Council ends in June and that he does not plan to seek a second term. Therefore, there is a need to have at least three people apply. Deb Lewis and Elaine Weisbard indicated they have already applied. Carla Ruschival made a motion that KCB notify the Kentucky Office for the Blind of its recommendation that Deb Lewis be appointed to the upcoming open position on the SRC. Other people should consider applying for future vacancies on the SRC. Interested persons can download the application from the OFB website at www.blind.ky.gov. Applicants should also remember to submit an updated resume with their application. Gerry Slusher also reminded the board that her term will end in June.

Old Business

There was no old business considered.

New Business

Deb Lewis informed the Board that Oral Miller will be receiving the AFB Migel Award on March 1 in recognition of his contribution to the blindness community. People are being asked to submit their memories of Oral which are being compiled into a book to be presented to him. Bill Wright made a motion that KCB send a letter to be included in the book. The motion was seconded by Carla Ruschival and unanimously approved. Carla Ruschival agreed to collect and compile items received and present them to Mark Richert who is working on the project.

Deb Lewis pointed out that APH is looking for sponsors for their Vision Aware conference which will be held in April. Sponsors will have their names placed on bags and will be listed in the conference program. “Cisco” Slusher made a motion that KCB contribute $100 to sponsor the APH Vision Aware conference in April. Elaine Weisbard seconded the motion which was unanimously approved by the board.

Wendy Stepro spoke to the board about her interest in taking an online class through Boston University in pursuit of her efforts to become a national Certified Fund Raising Professional. She asked permission to list the Kentucky Council of the Blind as a targeted 501(c)(3) organization on the plan she must submit in order to participate in the training. She pointed out that this request does not require any financial backing from KCB. Carla Ruschival made a motion that KCB permit Wendy Steppro to reference KCB as a 501(c)(3) on her application and that when appropriate KCB partner with her on projects which might benefit the organization. Joey Couch seconded the motion which was then unanimously approved by the board.


Bill Wright reminded the group about the Library Users meeting on March 4 at Denny’s in Louisville.

Carla Ruschival reminded the board that KCB and chapter dues are due. In addition, it is time to pay dues for ACB Lions ($15) and ACB Families ($8).

Carla also reported that Deb and Dave Trevino have compiled a recorded CD which contains the information presented at the January ACB Families tax workshop. Those interested in receiving a copy of the CD should contact Carla.

Since there was no further business, Patti Cox moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded and the board unanimously voted to adjourn at 9:14 PM.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingMarch2014

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