KCB Board Meeting – February, 2016

The monthly meeting of the Kentucky Council of the Blind Board of Directors was held via conference call on Monday, February 15, 2016. President Deb Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:06 PM eastern time. Answering the roll call were Deb Lewis, Joey Couch, Deb Trevino, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Bill Deatherage, Elaine Weisbard, “Cisco” Slusher, Natalie Beyers, Amanda Selm, Shirley Stivers, Adam Ruschival, Gerry Slusher, Debbie Deatherage, Frank Campbell, Bill Roberts and Lisa McKeown. Michelle Haycraft was absent. No guests were present.

President Deb Lewis called for reading the January 18 board meeting minutes and summary. Gerry Slusher pointed out that the Northern KY Council’s Christmas party and toy drive were separate events. Since copies were distributed in advance, Elaine Weisbard made a motion to dispense with their reading and for their approval with the suggested correction. The motion was seconded by “Cisco” Slusher and unanimously approved.

Secretary Rick Boggess indicated that all 20114 and 2015 board summaries have been placed on the webpage and asked if he should post summaries going back to the beginning of his term in 2012. Board members indicated he should proceed with posting the summaries.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Carla Ruschival presented her report for January. Bill Deatherage made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Joey Couch and unanimously approved.

Chapter Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council: Frank Campbell indicated he hopes to set up a meeting on March 5. Details will be available soon.

Northern Kentucky Council: Gerry Slusher indicated that the Center for Great Neighborhoods has discontinued their Place Matters grant which they have received in the past. However, they are offering four Create A Community Grants with different themes. NKCB has received one of the grants with the “inclusion” theme. The money will be used to braille menus for local restaurants. Chapter members will learn to make pretzels at Wunderbar, a German Restaurant, from 5:30 to 9 PM on March 28. In return, NKCB will braille their menus.

Greater Louisville Council: Debbie Deatherage reported that 47 people participated in the February 5 GLCB Quarterly Meeting and Spaghetti dinner. Friday Night Roundabouts continue to be well received. The chapter has two bags of pecans but “Peel To Save’ cards are gone. A dine out is planned in April.

Tri-State Library Users Group: Adam Ruschival indicated the chapter met and held elections last month at Logan’s Roadhouse on Shelbyville Road. Bill Wright was elected president replacing Sue Ellen Melo. The chapter has about 15 members and hopes to increase that number to 20. The $12 annual dues include membership in Library Users of America. Anyone joining after last summer’s national convention will be eligible to win a lifetime membership which can be transferred to someone else if desired. The chapter will host a conference call presentation on genealogy tomorrow night at 8 PM on the KCB conference line.

Guide Dog Users of Kentucky: Bill Deatherage reported the chapter had a successful meeting at Logan’s Roadhouse on February 6. They signed up some new members. Adam Ruschival won the $50 gift card. Carla Ruschival added that it appears GDUKY will have about 20 members to turn in.

Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired: Bill Roberts reported the February 9 meeting was cancelled due to weather. Five members traveled to the Evansville Association for the Blind on January 28. The group visited their store, enjoyed lunch and heard a technology demonstration by Jim Fortman from Vision Aids in Indianapolis. Board members participated in a phone conference call about nonprofit insurance. The chapter is collecting dues. It appears membership will be in the low 20s with two lifetime memberships.

KCB Next Generation: Amanda Selm reported the chapter did not hold its conference call meeting on February 14 since several members had schedule conflicts. Several members plan to accompany the GLCB Roundabout group as they attend the Braille Readers Theater production at APH on March 18. There will also be a dine out at Texas Roadhouse on Dutchman’s Lane from 1-3 PM on February 28. The chapter’s Valentine basket raffle raised $79 at the GLCB Quarterly Meeting and Spaghetti Dinner on February 5.


PR/Membership: Rick Boggess provided an update on the committee’s February 3 meeting. The committee discussed the February newsletter which has since been released. The committee has begun contacting the disability offices on the four year college campuses in Kentucky. It is hoped that we can use the contacts to increase awareness about KCB and ACB through dissemination of newsletters and other information. The committee will be reaching out to members to solicit help with maintaining the KCB webpage. It is hoped that we can train one to two people each month.

President Deb Lewis reported on committee appointments. She has appointed Carla Ruschival, Gerry Slusher and Rick Boggess to the budget committee. She also announced that Rick Boggess, Deb Trevino and Deanna Scoggins have been asked to draft a statement supporting KSB in response to the recent publicity in the Louisville Courier Journal.

Old Business

President Deb Lewis reported the January SRC Committee meeting was cancelled due to bad weather. The meeting has been rescheduled for February 19.

Carla Ruschival reported that Education Commissioner Pruitt has visited KSB and has indicated he does not want students with additional disabilities to be screened out. The KSB Alumni Association has requested a meeting with Dr. Pruitt. A follow up email from the Commissioner’s office suggested that they schedule a meeting with two associate commissioners who are more directly involved with KSB since Dr. Pruitt is extremely busy with legislative and budgetary matters. A response from the KSB alumni board is expected after its meeting on February 21.

Carla Ruschival indicated that Flint, the credit card processor used by KCB, is merging with another company later this week. She has been investigating other credit card processor options in the event that the Flint app suddenly becomes inaccessible. She indicated she has ruled PayPal out as an option due to high monthly fees and transaction charges.

New Business

President Deb Lewis announced that Patti Cox and Shirley Stivers will be attending the ACB Midyear meetings during the weekend of February 27-March 1. The cost to send them will be less than the amount previously authorized by the board. The legislative imperatives have been posted; Carla will share them on the list for everyone. President Obama has sent the Marrakesh Treaty to the senate for consideration. Members should encourage Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul to support the treaty which will positively impact visually impaired people worldwide. The Sunday Affiliate Presidents Meeting and Monday Legislative Seminar will be broadcast live on ACB Radio.

Carla Ruschival indicated that House Bill 85, requiring that language concerning pedestrian safety be inserted in the KY Driver’s Manual, has been introduced in the KY legislature. The KY Office for the Blind will help draft the language. The bill is currently in the transportation committee. To leave messages for legislators call 800-372-7181. To check the status of any bill call 866-840-2835.

Carla Ruschival reported that APH has raised all but about $2000 of the $95,000 needed to purchase Louis Braille’s book for the APH museum. Pledges by KCB, its chapters and individuals have raised approximately $1800. This week’s Sound Prints contains a segment from last Thursday’s unveiling ceremony.

Rick Boggess asked for an update on the impact of the governor’s proposed budget cuts on KSB and OFB. Carla Ruschival indicated that it appears Commissioner Pruitt will try to insure KSB is not impacted by the cuts. The exact impact of cuts at OFB is unknown; hopefully, Allison Flanagan will shed more light on the issue at this Friday’s SRC Committee meeting. Updates, if needed, will be communicated after the SRC meeting.

Adam Ruschival pointed out that the ACB Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America is holding their annual Sagebrush conference in Las Vegas this week. OFB’s Scott Fricano will be doing a presentation on placing vending machines in unusual locations. The conference will be broadcast on ACB Radio.

Carla Ruschival reminded the board that ACB has eight DKM Leadership (plus the 2 traditional DKM First Timers) Awards this year. Potential young leaders are encouraged to apply. Interested participants must submit a personal letter and a supporting letter from an affiliate president by April 1. The grants include transportation, hotel, registration, and a stipend. There are attendance requirements. Information can be found in the Braille Forum, in the KCB newsletter, on Sound Prints, and online.

Announcements and Adjournment

Adam Ruschival made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Elaine Weisbard and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:18 PM.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

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