KCB Board Meeting – January, 2016

The monthly meeting of the Kentucky Council of the Blind Board of Directors was held via conference call on Monday, January 18, 2016. President Deb Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:06 PM eastern time. Answering the roll call were Deb Lewis, Joey Couch, Deb Trevino, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Bill Deatherage, Gerry Slusher, Elaine Weisbard, Adam Ruschival, “Cisco” Slusher, Debbie Deatherage, Frank Campbell, Bill Roberts and Natalie Beyers. Amanda Selm, Michelle Haycraft, Shirley Stivers and Lisa McKeown were absent. Guest Patti Cox was also present.

President Deb Lewis called for reading the November 30 board meeting minutes and summary. Since copies were distributed in advance, Debbie Deatherage made a motion to dispense with their reading and for their approval. The motion was seconded by Bill Deatherage. The minutes and summary were unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Carla Ruschival presented her report for December. She also indicated she just deposited a dividend check which included the regular monthly dividend and year end distributions. This was not reflected in the December report. She also advised that this month’s financials will probably show a decline since the stock market was down last week. However, this is only a paper loss and does not impact the regular monthly dividend. Elaine Weisbard made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by “Cisco” Slusher and unanimously approved.

Chapter Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council: frank Campbell reported the Christmas party went very well with about 15 people (including several guests) attending. There will probably not be another chapter meeting until March.

Northern Kentucky Council: Gerry Slusher reported chapter members sold 30 Cincinnati and 16 Northern KY “peel to save” cards which earned $230 for the chapter once it paid KCB $230 to cover the cost. About 20 people attended the Christmas party at Rima’s Diner. The chapter also had a toy drive and collected items for about 85 families. A local legislator has introduced House Bill 85 requiring that language about the White Cane Safety law be included in the KY Driver’s Manual.

Greater Louisville Council: Deb Deatherage reported that 84 people enjoyed lots of good food, music, games and Santa Claus at the GLCB Christmas party on December 5. The chapter has sold about 55 “peel to save” cards and most of its pecans. The January 16 dine out at IHOP, was cancelled. The quarterly meeting will be February 5 at United Crescent Hill Ministries.

Tri-State Library Users Group: Adam Ruschival reported the chapter participated in the GLCB Christmas party where chapter president Susan Melo read The Night Before Christmas. The chapter will hold a meeting from 6:30 to 8:30 on January 19 at Logan’s Roadhouse at 5005 Shelbyville Road. The meeting will include board elections and planning future activities. Ten people have paid their 2016 dues while seven members who paid in 2015 have not renewed but are eligible to vote.

Guide Dog Users of Kentucky: Bill Deatherage reported the chapter provided music at the GLCB Christmas party in December. They did not have their phone conference call in December. Future activities include the regular phone conference call at 7 PM on January 25 and a dine out from 12-2 on February 6 at Logan’s Roadhouse at 5005 Shelbyville Road.

Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired: Bill Roberts reported that 25 people participated in the Christmas potluck lunch in December. Members ordered 15 more “peel to save” cards, listened to a report about the KCB convention from Rick Boggess and discussed ideas for possible future trips. New SAVI shirts were distributed to those who ordered, 2016 dues were collected, and money from sales of the “peel to Save” cards was collected. (The chapter sold 115 cards.) Members shared ideas they have found useful in adapting to their visual impairment and discussed the possibility of having a board meeting to discuss pursuing 501(c)(3) status.

KCB Next Generation: Natalie Beyers reported the chapter planned games for the GLCB Christmas party and made $83 by raffling a slow cooker. The chapter plans to raffle a Valentine’s Day basket at the GLCB quarterly meeting on February 5. Amanda Selm is working on the chapter’s new Facebook page. There will be a dine out at Texas Roadhouse from 1-3 PM on February 28. Contact Amanda Selm if interested. There will be a conference call on the KCB conference line at 8 PM on February 14.


PR/Membership: Rick Boggess reported the committee met on December 2 and January 6. The meeting included newsletter updates and information about calendar and webpage updates. There are plans to get a newsletter (including information about membership dues) out by early February. (A draft will be ready later this week.) Efforts to establish contacts on the campuses of the four year colleges will commence shortly.

Elaine Weisbard made a motion to approve the chapter and committee reports. The motion was seconded by Bill Deatherage and approved.

Old Business


New Business:

President Deb Lewis asked if there was interest in supporting APH’s effort to raise $95,000 to purchase one of Louis Braille’s first books for the museum. Carla Ruschival pointed out that several groups including GLCB, KSB alumni Association and Library Users of America have pledged support. Gerry Slusher made a motion that KCB pledge $500 toward purchasing the Louis Braille book. The motion was seconded by Carla Ruschival and approved. Chapters or individuals interested in contributing should contact Mike Hudson at APH (502-895-2405) for details on how to make payments.

President Deb Lewis asked if there is interest in providing doughnuts for the January 24 SRC meeting. Adam Ruschival made a motion that KCB spend up to $75 to provide pastries for the upcoming SRC meeting. Joey Couch seconded the motion which was approved.

President Deb Lewis indicated that she and Carla Ruschival recently participated in a meeting with Allison Flanagan regarding the preemployment training for students ages 14-21 which is mandated under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Acb (WIOA). Transition encompasses lots of areas including job seeking, independent living skills, skills training, advocacy training, and more. OFB is exploring how consumer organizations might be able to assist with providing these transition services. Projects cannot be mixed; they must support this age group. There may be a lot of potential for KCB participation, so there may be a need to form a committee with representatives from all the chapters to explore options.

President Deb Lewis asked if there is a need to send representatives to the Midyear meetings in Arlington and Washington. Carla Ruschival made a motion that KCB spend up to $1400 to send one or two people to the Midyear Meeting and Legislative Seminar Weekend which is scheduled for February 27 through March 1 in Washington, DC. The motion was seconded by Rick Boggess. After discussion, the motion was unanimously approved.

Carla Ruschival read a recent Louisville Courier Journal article questioning how the Kentucky School for the Blind deals with students having multiple disabilities. She indicated the KY Education Commissioner is exploring issuing some new policies at the School. The alumni board is seeking a meeting with the commissioner for possible input so there may need to be a position of support before our February meeting. Rick Boggess suggested that, while all parties may not have the same concerns, we should try to work together to resolve some of the issues especially those which are common to all the concerned parties. At the suggestion of Adam Ruschival, President Deb Lewis will form a committee to draft a statement on behalf of KCB.

Announcements and Adjournment

Rick Boggess informed the board that there is now a free Android app for ScriptTalk and that there will probably be an Apple app in coming months. Those using the apps still have to use participating pharmacies.

President Deb Lewis reminded everyone it is time to collect dues. Membership lists will be submitted to ACB in Late February or early March.

Carla Ruschival indicated the ACB Families 2016 Tax Workshop will be at 9 PM on January 24 on the Families conference line. The number has been widely published and will be publicized again in coming days.

Adam Ruschival indicated he is collecting dues for one chapter and two affiliates. Tri-State Library Users is $12 annually and includes membership in the Library Users of America affiliate. Annual dues for ACB Families and ACB Lions are $8 and $15. Adam is treasurer for all three.

Natalie Beyers made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Joey Couch and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingJanuary2016

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