KCB Board Meeting – April, 2017

The monthly meeting of the Kentucky Council of the Blind Board of Directors was held via conference call on Monday, April 17, 2017. President Debbie Deatherage called the meeting to order at 7:38 PM eastern time. Answering the roll call were Debbie Deatherage, Joey Couch, Gerry Slusher, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Amanda Selm, Natalie Couch, Elaine Weisbard, Matt Selm, Josh Gentry, Bill Roberts, Bill Wright, David Smith, Dennis Runyan, “Cisco” Slusher, Frank Campbell, Deb Lewis and Winter Renfrow. Shirley Stivers checked in late. Guest Adam Ruschival was present.

President Debbie Deatherage called for reading the March 20 board meeting minutes and summary. Since copies were distributed in advance, Elaine Weisbard made a motion to dispense with their reading and for approval. The motion was seconded by “Cisco” Slusher and approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Carla Ruschival presented her report for March. She also reported that she and Rick Boggess held a conference call with Chris Waldeck from Ameriprise to adjust stock holdings and invest $15,000 in additional stocks as authorized. These transactions will be reflected in next month’s report. Elaine Weisbard made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Gerry Slusher and approved.

Old Business

Carla Ruschival reported that ACB will return 50% of the money raised for the 2017 Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk to participating affiliates. Carla made a motion that the KCB e-Racers contribute $500 to the 2017 walk. Bill Wright seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Carla reported the Downtown Louisville Lions Club has contributed $500 to support the e-Racers. She will set up the e-Racers page in coming days.

Carla Ruschival reported KCB has purchased retirement gifts to be presented to Allison Flanagan at her April 20 reception.

New Business

President Deatherage reported Joey Couch will chair the KCB conference planning committee which will meet and report to be board in May.

Carla Ruschival reported that HR2050, allowing Medicare to establish a pilot program to fund low vision devices, has been introduced. Members should encourage their congressmen to sign on as sponsors. Carla suggested Rick Boggess update an earlier newsletter article about the bill for the April newsletter.

Carla reported that ACB President Kim Charlson is advocating for Bookshare funding in the education budget.

Carla reported that KSB teacher Jackie Williams has been named Acting Principal.

Carla reported Becky Cabbe has been named Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Acting Director. Cora McNabb will serve as acting OFB Director when Allison Flanagan retires on April 30.

Carla reported that she is part of a steering committee (along with Cathy Jackson, Shirley Stivers and Paula Weiss) representing several groups which is gathering letters supporting a separate specialized agency to provide services to visually impaired Kentuckians. Gerry Slusher made a motion, seconded by Winter Renfro, that KCB write a letter supporting OFB as a separate agency to provide services. The motion was unanimously approved. Rick Boggess will draft a letter.

Gerry Slusher made a motion that KCB provide a $250 stipend to those attending the ACB national convention in Reno provided they are a member in good standing by June 1 and that they attend two sessions (Saturday night plus one morning session, or the Thursday session plus one morning session.) The motion was seconded by elaine Weisbard and approved.

Chapter Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council: Frank Campbell reported they are trying to work out transportation issues so they can meet.

Northern Kentucky Council: Dennis Runyan reported they are planning a picnic and a bingo activity at a senior center.

Greater Louisville Council: David Smith reported recent GLCB Roundabout topics have included cooking, smart phone technology, gardening and health care. Upcoming activities include the quarterly meeting an officer elections on April 28 and a Derby party from 10:30-7:30 at UCHM on May 6.

Tri-State Library Users Group: Bill Wright reported the next in person meeting will be from 6-8 PM on May 16 at Clifton Pizza. The next book club meeting will be on April 21 at Roundabout.

Guide Dog Users of Kentuckiana: Josh Gentry reported a local Boy Scout Troop will join them for a May 20 guide dog walk at Cherokee Park. Guide Dog eye exams will take place at UCHM on June 9. There were Two first timers on their conference call.

Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired: Bill Roberts reported that 17 members and 4 guests participated in the Low Vision Day on April 9 on the Wendell Foster Campus in Owensboro. Four vendors (including SAVI) talked about resources and conducted product demonstrations. Two new members joined SAVI and KCB.

KCB Next Generation: Amanda Selm reported their next event will be the Belle of Louisville Cruise, which is wheelchair accessible, on May 27. RSVP deadline is April 27 or 28 (text or email preferred.) They hope to finalize plans for the June 10 council wide picnic next week. The next phone conference call meeting will be on May 14 at 8 PM on the conference line.

KCCLV: Amanda Selm reported Jim jirak from Omaha, Nebraska shared information about CCLVI, magnifier awards and scholarships during their April 4 conference call. The next conference call meeting will be on May 2. Carla reported about nine or ten people attended the April 13 meeting to hear Jennifer Gendeman from the KY Lions Eye Foundation. They picked up one new member at the meeting.


PR/Membership: Rick Boggess reported the committee met on April 5. Webpage and calendar updates continue while Carla is working with Larry Turnbull to install Mail Chimp to resolve email maintenance issues. The number of page visits continues to grow. Carla reported the newsletter was sent out in February. She will investigate why some did not receive the email copy. Efforts to establish contacts on the four-year college campuses will resume in the fall. Carla will provide Rick with information about colleges currently on the email list so we can establish a system to update contact information. Rick encouraged committee members to consider ways to better insure we systematically send thank-yous after future conventions. The next meeting will be on May 3 on the conference line.

Deb Lewis suggested we share information about our new low vision group when contacting colleges in the future.

Cisco Slusher made a motion to accept chapter and committee reports. The motion was seconded by Frank Campbell and unanimously approved.

Announcements and Adjournment

Deb Lewis reported that talking book narrator Jack Foxx, a previous convention speaker, will be having a kidney removed tomorrow and encouraged members to keep him in their prayers.

Cisco and Gerry Slusher talked about Jamie Urton, a co-worker and friend from the Cincinnati Association for the Blind, who was recently brutally murdered.

Gerry Slusher reported she will receive the Bradley L. Taylor Award as employee of the year at the Cincinnati Association for the Blind. She has also been nominated to receive the Peter J. Salmon Award as national employee of the year.

Carla Ruschival reported the 175th KSB anniversary Founders Day Dinner will take place at 6 pm on May 9 at KSB. There will be numerous awards including the Paul Langan Award, recognition of essay contest winners and more. Tickets, which cost $10 each, must be ordered by May 1 using check or online payment. For more information visit www.ksb.kyschools.us or call Paula Penrod at 502-897-1583 ext. 7117.

“Cisco” Slusher made a motion to adjourn. Winter Renfrow seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:49 PM.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingApril2017

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