KCB Board Meeting – July, 2017

President Debbie Deatherage called the monthly meeting of the KCB Board of Directors to order via conference call at 7:39 PM (Eastern) on Monday, July 17, 2017. Answering the roll call were Debbie Deatherage, Joey Couch, Gerry Slusher, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Amanda Selm, Natalie Couch, Elaine Weisbard, Deb Lewis, “Cisco” Slusher, Frank Campbell, Matt Selm, Bill Wright, Dennis Runyan, David Smith and Winter Renfrow. Shirley Stivers checked in late. Bill Roberts and Josh Gentry were absent. Guest Adam Ruschival was also present.

President Debbie Deatherage called for reading the June 19 board meeting minutes and summary which were distributed in advance. Elaine Weisbard made a motion, seconded by Bill Wright, to dispense with their reading and approval with corrections as explained by Rick Boggess. The motion was approved.

Carla Ruschival made a motion to make two changes to the KCCLV report in the May minutes. The phone conference call speaker was Denise Russell from Speak To Me. The fundraiser was a drawing, not money raised from the bargain table. The motion was seconded by Deb Lewis and approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Carla Ruschival reported June 30 balances. Carla reported she has discussed the decline in stock value with Chris Waldeck from Ameriprise who has no concerns. Dividend payouts continue to be constant. Elaine Weisbard made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Winter Renfrow and approved.

Old Business

President Deatherage reported that Carla and Adam Ruschival were unable to attend the ACB convention. However, Patti and David Cox traveled to Reno. Several members reacted to some of the sessions on ACB radio by sharing their observations. The major sponsor presentations, NLS, ABLE accounts, scholarships and the Thursday business meeting (especially the elections) were very interesting. In response to an inquiry from Bill Wright, Carla Ruschival indicated that all the general sessions, as well as many other sessions, will be archived in the “ACB events” section on the ACB Radio site and can be retrieved using the computer, ACB Link App or on the phone.

Since next year’s ACB convention will be in St. Louis, Carla Ruschival suggested setting a target of getting at least 30 people to attend and floated the idea of providing a stipend based on room nights. No action was taken.

President Deatherage reported that David Trott, newly elected ACB Treasurer, will be the speaker at the KCB Convention in November. Newly elected ACB First Vice President Dan Spoon and ACB’s board liaison to KCB, Dan Dillon, cannot attend due to scheduling conflicts. The next planning committee conference call meeting will be on July 20 at 7:30 (eastern).

Shirley Stivers reported the steering committee (which also includes Carla Ruschival, Cathy Jackson and Theresa Thomas) will hold a conference call tomorrow (July 18) at 8 AM. The next in-person meeting will be on July 19 at 1 PM at the BCB office in Lexington.

New Business

President Deatherage pointed out the next SRC meeting will take place on July 21 at the McDowell Center. KCB will provide doughnuts as authorized by a motion passed during the January 16, 2017 board meeting.

Chapter and Committee Reports

Eastern Kentucky Christian Council: Frank Campbell reported they had a June 3 meeting at the library in Jackson to plan for their picnic which will be held from 3-7 PM on August 12 in shelter 1 at Perry County Park.

Northern Kentucky Council: Dennis Runyan reported the chapter has collected approximately $50 to support the e-Racers.

Greater Louisville Council: David Smith reported Roundabouts continue to go well. Carla demonstrated cooking on the George Foreman Grill at the July 14 meeting. GLCB and Guide Dog Users will host a First Aid for Guide Dogs clinic from 4:30 to 6:30 at the July 21 meeting. They will also have committee meetings at 7 PM on August 6 on the conference line and will host the Tri-State Library Users book club at the August 11 Roundabout. The Advocacy board resolved a railroad crossing barrier issue in Clifton.

Tri-State Library Users Group: Bill Wright reported this month’s in-person meeting and board meeting will be held as part of the July 28 Roundabout. The August 15 conference call will deal with reading books using the Kindle app with VoiceOver.

Guide Dog Users of Kentuckiana: Deb Lewis reported Sarah Beaven will present the Guide Dog First Aid Clinic at the July 21 Roundabout. Dr. Tolar’s eye clinic in June was very successful. They are planning an outing at Oxmoor Mall from 12-2 on August 19.

Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired: Rick Boggess reported thirteen people attended their July 11 meeting. They listened to an excellent presentation on home safety and balance and exercise by Sarah Swift (physical therapist) and Jan Young (group exercise instructor). Plans include a September 13 picnic at Legion Park and having a booth at Senior Day Out at Town Square Mall on September 21. Five people indicated an interest in bowling on July 15. There are plans for a Texas Roadhouse fundraiser and to register for the Kroger Community Rewards Program. The next meeting will be at Wing Avenue Baptist Church on August 8.

KCB Next Generation: Amanda Selm reported the next conference call meeting will be on August 13 at 8 PM. There will be a brunch dine out at Toast On Market (620 East Market) from 11 AM to 1:30 PM on August 26.

KCCLV: Winter Renfrow reported they did not have a conference call meeting on July 4 due to the holiday and the ACB convention. The August conference call will be on August 1. Carla Ruschival reported that about 12 people attended the in-person meetings on June 28 and July 13. Several new people, many of whom are older with additional medical issues, have attended the meetings. Follow-up contact will be made through phone calls.

PR/Membership: Rick Boggess reported the July 12 meeting was cancelled due to schedule conflicts.

Rick Boggess made a motion to accept committee reports. The motion was seconded by Elaine Weisbard and approved.

President Deatherage reported she received a call from Steve Deeley at the McDowell Center informing her about the summer camp for teenagers. On July 12, several KCB members went to the center to play trivia and share information with the students.

Carla reported there do not seem to be recent updates to the ACB Walk Page. The amount for the E-Racers is $2025 with several contributions to be credited to the account. This exceeds the amount raised last year and there is still a chance we could reach the $2500 goal before the end of July. Nationally the amount raised is just shy of the $65,000 goal.

Announcements and Adjournment

Gerry Slusher announced that Kathleen Lord passed away.

Adam Ruschival encouraged people to attend the Bards and Storytellers from 1-3 PM on July 29 at APH. Those in attendance will learn more about two early 20th century KSB students, Mac & Bob, who embarked on a 35-year career as recording artists and radio stars on WLS’s Barn Dance. There will be performances of their music and a presentation from a representative from the Bluegrass museum in Owensboro.

Carla also reported the KSB Alumni Banquet on August 5 will be a tribute to Will Evans. Anyone is welcome to attend. Anyone not receiving a packet is encouraged to call Carla.

Elaine Weisbard made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Frank Campbell and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingJuly2017

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