KCB Board Meeting – November, 2017

President Debbie Deatherage called the monthly meeting of the KCB Board of Directors to order via conference call at 7:38 PM (Eastern) on Monday, November 20, 2017. Answering the roll call were Debbie Deatherage, Joey Couch, Rick Boggess, Carla Ruschival, Amanda Selm, Josh Gentry, Bill Wright, Jonathon McCarty, Deb Lewis, Frank Campbell, Matt Selm, Bill Roberts, David Smith, Adam Ruschival and Winter Renfrow. Sheryl Lott checked in late. Gerry Slusher and Dennis Runyan were absent. Guest Elaine Weisbard was also present. Bill Wright informed the board that Adam Ruschival will be the new representative for Tri-State Library Users.

President Debbie Deatherage called for reading the October 16 board meeting minutes and summary which were distributed in advance. Deb Lewis made a motion, seconded by Bill Wright, to dispense with their reading and for approval. The motion was approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Carla Ruschival indicated balances were the same as those reported at the KCB Convention on November 18. For board members not present at the convention she reported the October 31 balances. Matt Selm made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Joey Couch and approved.

Old Business

President Debbie Deatherage indicated the main purpose of this meeting was to discuss the just completed KCB State Convention. She indicated that things seemed to go very well.

Joey Couch suggested conducting auction bidding in $5 increments might speed up bidding and make it easier to determine when items will be up for bid. There may not be enough participants to make this feasible and it might result in lower bids. About 31 or 32 items were donated, up from 17 or 18 last year. The amount bid about tripled last year. Splitting the money with chapters seems to have increased participation. There would probably be more participation on Friday night. The opportunity to have the play on Friday made it necessary to move the auction to Saturday. Having an ongoing silent auction is probably not feasible since it would be difficult to secure items. Matt Selm asked about providing a list of auction items beforehand. This may be difficult since items come in at the last minute and people change what they bring. It might be possible to read the list of auction items in the order they will be offered for bid prior to the auction.

Amanda Selm indicated she posted live pictures from the banquet. She observed that attendees dressed more appropriately, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses volunteers made things move much more smoothly. Although the green beans were salty, most felt the food was good.

Adam Ruschival asked about gifts for David and Rhonda Trott and the other presenters and suggested sending thank you notes. Carla reported ACB coasters will be sent to the speakers, and suggested presenting the Trotts with a “Taste of Kentucky” gift certificate. Carla will send Rick a list of those receiving coasters and suggested he send notes to exhibitors.

Deb Lewis indicated there was a lot of traffic but that spending in the exhibits seemed to be down. This may be because some exhibitors do not accept credit cards. Spending also seemed down in the registration area.

Attendance at the technology sessions was pretty strong early but seemed to decline around 10 on Saturday. At least one vendor left early. The Overlapping Facebook session may have impacted the technology exhibits.

It was suggested we might have volunteers announce sessions about 5 minutes prior to their beginning.

Rick Boggess suggested trying to make more detailed convention information available earlier. People really do not respond well if information is provided more than six to eight weeks in advance. There was also discussion about exploring pros and cons of having the convention in late October or early November. Although exact numbers were not available, convention registration was up this year.

Announcements and Adjournment

Frank Campbell reported the Eastern KY Christian Council Christmas party will be at Ponderosa in Hazard on December 9 from 1-2:30. Attendees are responsible for their meals.

The next meeting will be held at our regular 7:30 (EST) time on December 18.

Adam Ruschival made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Joey Couch and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 Eastern.

Submitted by Rick Boggess, KCB Secretary

Download Summary: KCBBoardMeetingNovember2017

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